Chapter 11

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Shailene POV:

I wave goodbye to our friends. I close the door. I am furious with Theo because he completely embarrassed us in front of my friends.

"Are you insane?" I ask him with my hands on my hips.

"What did I do?" He asks me.

"Well I think we could've done better since we go out cheap all of the time." I say mocking him. "Seriously?"

"I'm sorry to admit it but it was the truth."

"The truth?" I say with my voice getting louder. "The truth is that you can be stupid and ritarded."

"Says the person that just sits at home taking care of a child that's ten months old!" He says.

"I do way more work than you think I do you. And you know what you are? A bastard." I say. I stomp up the stairs. I look back for a second. "And enjoy sleeping on the couch!" I continue to go up the stairs.

I go to Nathan's room and pick him up. I decide to feed him and spend some time away from Theo.


Theo POV:

I roll my eyes as Shailene stomps up the stairs. "And enjoy sleeping on the couch!" She yells.

I get some blankets and a pillow and set up my sleeping area on the couch. I take our Mack laptop and start doing some work.

After an hour, I see Shailene walk into the kitchen with Nathan in her hands. She opens the fridge and takes out some strawberries. She puts it in a little bowl and squishes them. She puts a spoon inside of the bowl and puts it in Nathan's food tray. She puts him in his his seat behind the tray and starts feeding him.

"Why aren't you breast feeding him?" I ask her.

"Zoe told me when he's ten months old he needs to eat real food." She replies. "Why would you care? You're too busy working as an Imagineer."

"Listen Shailene, if you're going to sit there all day and be mad at me, at least don't be mad in front of Nathan." I say. She looks at me with tears in her eyes.

"Are you freaking crazy? It's not a question. You are. Just let me sit here and feed our child. Is that fine with you?" She yells.

"I never said it wasn't fine with me." I say. She continues to feed Nathan. When she's done feeding him, she picks him up.

"You can clean that up, Mister." She says. She walks out with Nathan. I clean up what she left behind and get ready for bed. I take a shower and put on my pyjamas. I brush my teeth and lay down onto the couch. I take my phone and send Shailene a text.

Good night Shay. 😌- Theo

I send her the text. I hear the phone buzz up stairs. I hear her texting back.

Good night Theo😊- Shay

I smile at the text and turn off my phone I close my eyes and before I know it, I drift off.


I wake up and see Shailene in the kitchen making pancakes. I walk over there to kiss her good morning. I stand behind her and try to kiss her. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" She asks me pulling away.

"I'm your husband. It's normal for me to kiss you." I reply.

"I'm mad at you."

I put both of my hands up in the air and sit down at the table. She puts an omelet in her plate and starts eating.

"What am I going to eat for breakfast?" I ask.

"Oh right, I forgot." She says. She stands up and opens a cupboard. She takes out a granola bar and hands it to me. "Bon appetite."

I look at her. "Okay. Thanks?" I eat the granola bar and get ready for work.

When I'm about to leave the house, I say: "At least come and say goodbye."

She walks downstairs with Nathan in her hands. "Bye." She says. Then she walks back up the stairs. I roll my eyes and walk out the door.

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