Chapter 9

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Theo POV:

My alarm wakes me up, Nathan. He starts crying. That wakes up Shailene too. I have a job interview in three hours. I need to get up. Shailene gets up too.

I kiss her. "Good morning." I say.

"Good morning." She says. We get up. She goes and picks up the baby. Nathan woke up five times last night. We walk down the stairs and she puts him in his baby carrier. I make myself coffee.

Shailene starts to make pancakes. I set the table. Nathan makes a lot of gurgling noises. We laugh at it.

"Are you excited?" Shailene asks.

"Yeah. I'm very excited. But a little bit worried." I reply.

"Why would you be worried?"

"Because if I don't get this job, I might not get one at all."

"Theo, you'll get the job." She turns towards me.

"How do you know that?" I ask. She walks towards me. She puts her face right next to mine.

"Because you, have me." She says. She kisses me. It's long. Really long. She sits in my lap. We continue to kiss.

Nathan starts to cry. She pulls back and groans. She looks at him from where she is.

"Can't you see we're having a moment?" She says. Nathan laughs. He stays quiet. We smile at him. We continue to kiss. She pulls back.

"Let's eat. Then you can go get ready." She says. I nod. She puts pancakes on my plate. "I'm going to feed Nathan. I'll be right back."

I eat my pancakes. When I'm done, I put my plate in the sink and go get ready. I take a shower and put on a suit. I brush my teeth, get my satchel and spray on some cologne. I run down the stairs and get my shoes on. Shailene walks up to me holding Nathan.

I kiss her. "Good luck honey." She says.

"Thank you, babe." I say. She smiles. I kiss Nathan.

"Wave to daddy!" She says. To Nathan. I smile and walk out to door. I get in my car and drive to Disney.

When I get there, I take out my resume and have it ready. I walk into the main building where my job interview will be. I stand at the front desk.

"I'm Theo James, I'm here for a job interview." I say. The man on the desk types on his computer.

"There you are. " he says looking at his screen. He gives me a little ticket. "Second floor, wait in the lobby for someone to call you in."

I nod. "Thank you." I say. I walk into the elevator. I press the button for the second floor. When the doors open again, I walk out and wait in the lobby.

A woman calls me into the manager's office. I follow her into the room. There's a man with a bald head sitting behind a desk waiting for me.

"James, sit down." He says. I sit down. We start the interview.


Shailene POV:

Nathan has been crying since Theo left. I rock him in my arms and try to calm him down.

"Come on Nathan, why are you crying?" I asked him over his cries. He continues to cry. I take our home phone and call Theo. It goes to voicemail. I sigh. "Don't worry, daddy will be home soon." I continue to rock him in my arms.

I decide he's hungry. I try to breast feed him but he keeps pulling away. I stroke his hair. "What is it?" I ask. I hear the doorbell ring. I walk over to the door with Nathan in my arms. I open the door.

I see someone I haven't seen in years. Jade. She's Theo's sister. "What the hell are you doing here?" I ask. Nathan has turned quiet.

"Look Shay-" Jade starts to say.

"You don't have the right to call me that." I interrupt.

"Look Shailene, I didn't come here to pick a fight. I came to apologize."

My eyes widen.

"Apologize? After all of the damage you've caused?"

"Of course! What else am I supposed to do?"

"Leave and never come back!" I say. I'm about to slam the door but she pushes it open.

"Please Shailene, just give me a minute and I'll explain everything."

"Listen, you are a murderer, a traitor, a lier, and an idiot. Why are you running back?"

"I told you! To apologize."

"I have a child I need to take care of. I don't need to listen to your crap anymore. Okay? I tried to be nice, but you just pushed it. Now leave or I'm calling the police."

A tear runs down her face.

"I'm sorry." She says quietly. She starts to walk away.

"One minute! That's all you've got!" I say. She smiles at me.

"Thank you Shailene! I promise it'll be just a minute." She walks in the house. I put Nathan in his baby carrier and sit at he table with Jade.

"Let's start with me trying to break you up with Theo. Every since he's been a kid, I've been there for him. As a big sister I have to take care of him."

"I knew what it feels like having to protect your younger sibling, when I had one. I forgot when someone killed my younger brother. That's another thing you need to explain." I say calmly.

"Jack hurt me. And he hurt you. Don't act like you didn't hate him. He got your parents divorced, he tried to kill Theo, and he wanted to tried to throw me off a cliff when our two families were in Greece. You know you don't miss him. Admit it." She says. Rage floods in my body.

"So you decided to kill him? Think about all of the nice stuff he's done for you! He saved your life from hat skater! You could've died! He did all of that because he was ashamed of his self. He had a rough time in college. All of his life's work, turned down because of a college professor."

"Why do you always have to take things in such a bad way?" She asks. I stand up and point to the door.

"Get out of my house and don't come back. Ever." I say. She walks out. She gives me a little piece of paper with a phone number on it.

"Call me when you calm down." She says. She gets on her car and drives away. I slam the door and walk over to Nathan. He looks hungry. I feed him.

I hear the door open and see Theo. "Hi honey," he says. I don't respond. "Shay? Are you here?"

"I'm in here." I say. He walks into the living room. He sees me feeding Nathan. I smile at him. Page sits down beside me and wraps his arm around me. He kisses my cheek.

"I got the job." He says casually.

"Oh okay." I say. Then I realize what he just said. "WHAT?!" I kiss him. He pulls back.

"That's all?" He asks.

"I'm feeding Nathan. We'll celebrate when he falls asleep." I say. He nods.

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