Chapter 17

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Theo POV:

Shailene is downstairs playing with the kids. I decide to surprise them with a trip to Hawaii.

I take the tickets and hide them behind my back. I walk downstairs and sit next to everybody. Shailene stops and looks at me.

"What?" She asks. I pull out the tickets. She screams and so does Nathan. Hannah claps her hands and laughs.

"Let's get packing our flight leaves in two days!" I say. We run upstairs and get our stuff ready.



It's six am. Hannah is crying because she is very tired. Nathan is playing with a toy airplane that we got him yesterday. And Shailene is packing some snacks for us so we won't have to buy food there or eat any discussing airplane food.

She packs cereos, some granola bars, carrots, m&ms, Reese cups, celery, and some bagel sandwiches.

I pack Hannah's formula and some diapers. "Nathan we can't take all of those toys!" Shailene says.

"But I want them!" He says.

"But you won't have them so take five toys and pack them."

He stomps his foot and crosses his arms. She rises an eyebrow at him. "Nathan Ian James!" She yells. (Ian is Nathan's middle name FYI).

"Nathan stop. Choose five toys and leave the rest behind." Theo says. Nathan picks five toys and packs them.

'Thank you.' Shailene mouths. I nod. Hannah continues to fuss. I lift her up and pat her bum.

She stops crying and falls asleep. I put her in her baby carrier. I put our suitcases in the car and we all get in the car.

I start driving. "Theo did you put the bags in the car?" She asks.

"What bags?" I ask. She looks at me with her eyes wide. "Just kidding." I say laughing. She hits me playfully and laughs a little bit.

"Mommy can we stop at McDonalds?" Nathan asks.

"I'll give you some cereos when we get to the airport ok bud?" She says he nods. He yawns and closes his eyes. He slowly falls asleep.

"Finally the kids are asleep." She says. I laugh. I lean over and kiss her.

"What's the name of the resort?" She asks.

"Ayala de Leurdo." I reply. She types it up on google images. She smiles.

"This is the best resort I've ever seen." She says.


Shailene POV:

We got to the airport and checked in. We're in the airplane now. I'm playing with Hannah and Theo is reading a story to Nathan. Hannah laughs a lot. It's like it's her talent.

An old lady beside us looks annoyed. "You again." She says. I look at her. Now I remember who she is. She's that creepy old lady that we saw when we were coming back from Paris.

"If you don't get that stupid brat to shut up before the plane takes off, there will be marbles where your eyes should be." She says.

"And if you don't shut up before the plane takes off- oh wait, you won't be alive when he plane takes off!" I say.

"Are you calling me old?" She asks getting angrier.

"No I'm calling you my grandma." I say. She gets up. She's about to throw her cane on top of Hannah's head. Theo pulls Hannah away and the flight attendant sees. She runs over to our seats.

"Is there a problem here?" The flight attendant asks.

"This woman's ritarded little brat won't be quiet!" She says.

"I don't believe you, miss. I know you were trying to hit the poor child in the noggin with your cane. Now I will give you one more chance until we get you to exit the plane." The flight attendant says. She walks away.


It's been ages. I know.

Sorry for the late update I had writers block.

More chapters are coming!

Keep smiling,

taralovesstories ❤️

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