Chapter 47

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Shailene POV:
Today Nathan is graduating. I've been crying all day. I remember when he was just a little baby, me cradling him.

I go to the basement and find a box of old pictures. I take one out the Christmas Julie was born. Theo is holding Hannah while she puts the star on top of the tree. I wipe a tear from my eye.

I look at another one, Nathan with cake smeared all over his face when he was two. Another picture shows when we went to Hawaii, when Theo and I tried to surf but miserably failed.

Then the next one, Julie in our old backyard swimming. Then the last one in the hospital of Theo and I holding Sadie.

The last one I look at is our family picture, Me, Theo, Nathan, Hannah, Julie, Sadie, and Sammy sitting on the couch all huddled up together. I let out a little sob.

Theo hears me crying and comes downstairs. "Shai, what's wrong?" He asks. He sits down next to me. I show him all of the pictures. He smiles and wraps his arms around me.

"Family memories are the best memories of all." He says. I kiss him.


Nathan POV:
"Thank you everyone for coming to this years graduates." My principle says. "I am very proud of everyone here. You've all studied hard, and if you get into University, it's time to study even harder."

Everyone laughs. When they all settle down, he continues, "Now it is time for the diplomas. Can Nathan James come up here please."

When I go up, I shake his hand and smile. I take the diploma and go up to the podium to start my speech. I sigh.

"I have to be honest, high school was a ride. There we're some ups and some downs. I'm very upset that some of my best friends couldn't be here to graduate with me, but there is one person here that I love the most." I look at Jenny, she sniffles and smiles. I look back at the audience. "I tried my hardest, and it was worth it. Because now I can live a happy life and enjoy what will come for me in the near future. Thank you."

Everyone claps. I can hear my mom weeping. I get off the stage.

When everyone is done their speeches, we go to the stage with our hats in our hands.

"Alright, I'd like to present the class of (whatever year it is)!" The principle yells. Everyone cheers and we throw our hats in the air.



I take all of the boxes from my room. Jenny and I are moving in together in an apartment right beside our University.

When all of my things are at the front door, I realize it's time to say goodbye to my family. My wonderful family.

I hug my mom first, then my dad, then my younger sisters. Sammy licks my face, and I laugh. "I'm gonna miss you buddy." I say. He barks.

I get up. "Bye sweetheart." Mom says.

"Be safe, bud." Dad says. I nod to both of them.

"Nathan! Come on, we gotta leave!" Jenny yells. She said goodbye to them earlier today.

I wave to my family one last time and load my stuff in my new car. I hop into the drivers seat, Jenny goes into the front seat.

We wave to our families one last time, then we take off.



I know, it's a sad one. I just think is story should end soon. I'll probably end it at sixty chapters, I don't really know.

I'll be updating all day. I really feel like writing.

M'kay. Bye.

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