Chapter 16

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Shailene POV:

I make some macaroni and cheese for dinner. I look outside on the beach and see Theo playing frisbee with Nathan. I smile.

I melt the cheese and start spreading it over the macaroni. I think about the Hannah. I can't wait to hold her tight. I can't wait to see the look on Nathan's face when he sees her. I can't wait.

I hear the back door open. Nathan comes running in screaming playfully.

"You're not running away that fast!" Theo says. He picks Nathan up and spins him around. Nathan laughs.

Theo comes over to me and kisses me. I kiss him. I kiss Nathan on the forehead. He hands Nathan to me.

"You can take him. I'll finish dinner for you." He says. I kiss him.


Theo POV:

Shailene sits on the couch with Nathan watching tv. I hear Nathan laugh.

"What's so funny bud?" I ask.

"Mommy just went pee pee!" He says. He points to Shailene. She turns to me.

"Get in the car right now." She says calmly. I run towards her and pick her up bridal style.

"Nathan! We need to go to the hospital!" I yell. He runs after us

I put Shailene in the car and put Nathan in the back seat. I speed to the hospital and I don't care how fast I'm going.

When we get there, I run towards the front desk and grab a wheelchair. "We're the James family. My wife is about to give birth." I say. The woman called Jones as fast as she can. Jones runs in.

"Follow me." He says. Shailene screams.

"Keep it together Shay!" I say.

"Shut up!" She says back.

"What does that mean?" Nathan asks.

We continue to speed down the halls of the hospital. When we get there, I put Shailene on the bed and hold her hand. She screams. The rest is a blur.


Shailene POV:

I hold Hannah. Theo is right beside me. Nathan is waiting in the play room. The nurse calls him in. He smiles when he sees Hannah.

"Come Nathan. This is your little sister." I say. He walks over to me. Theo picks him up. He kisses Hannah on the forehead.

"I love you." He says to her. We laugh. Theo kisses me.

"Let's go home." He says. I nod.



I put Hannah in her baby carrier and take her to the beach. Hannah falls asleep quickly. I decide to go for a quick swim with Nathan and Theo. I put her in her crib and get my bathing suit on. I take our towels and set them down on the beach.

I join Nathan and Theo on the beach. The water is colder than it usually is. Theo is nowhere to be seen. I see Nathan a couple of meters ahead of me. He's almost five. Wow.

"Mommy! Look over here!" He says waving both hands in the air. I feel two hands grab onto my hips and push me down. My whole body freezes. I see someone on top of me. Theo. I slap him in the face.

I get out from under the water. "Theo are you crazy?" I ask him. He laughs with Nathan. "You are going to pay!" I say.

I jump into him and he laughs. We fall into the water. We open our eyes. I kiss him. We pull up from out of the water with Theo not breaking the kiss at all.

"Ew!" Nathan yells covering his eyes. I pull back and laugh. Theo swims over to him and picks him up. We continue to swim.

It gets a little bit colder. Nathan shivers. We all get out of the water. I wrap a towel around Nathan and around myself. We go inside. I hear Hannah crying. Theo and I go upstairs.

I pick her up and change her diaper. She calms down. I set out a blanket in front of the tv and some baby toys. Theo takes Hannah there and plays with her. I dropped Nathan off at Alex's house to play with Troy.

I hear Hannah laughing while Theo makes some funny faces. I take the camera and snap a picture of them. Theo looks at me.

"Wanna play?" He asks. I nod. I walk over to them and start playing with Hannah. She laughs at everything. She looks a lot like Nathan.


Theo POV:

Shailene is putting the kids to bed. I decide to check my phone before I go to bed. I see some pictures of me and with Hannah and Nathan. She took those pictures secretly.

I scroll up to my oldest pictures. I see a picture of us at the beach. That was the day I proposed to her. I smile. Shailene walks in with Hannah in her arms.

Hannah is in a pink wonzie and has her thumb in her mouth. She looks sleepy.

"She can't sleep. She'll just have to sleep with us tonight." She says putting her in our bed. Nathan walks in.

"Can I sleep with you guys?" He asks.

"Come here bud." Shailene says. He hops into our bed and lays beside Hannah. He tickles her a little bit. Hannah laughs.

We turn the light off and drift asleep.

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