Chapter 33

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So sorry that I haven't been updating lately. I'VE BEEN HAVING SOME MAJOR WRITERS BLOCK. I'll be updating a lot and they will be longer chapters. And I'm not just saying that, believe me. Anyways, enough with this crap and let's get to it.
Nathan POV:
Jenny and I hold hands as we walk down the street talking. "That was the best time we've ever had." She says laughing.

"I know, Troy didn't expect Kendra to throw that cake in his face." I reply, also laughing.
I see two little figures running up the street, both with dolls in their hands. Then I realize, it's Julie and Abby. Crap. I think to myself. Jenny notices too, both start running towards them.

Hannah and her best friend Marcy speed behind them yelling, "Get back here you nut-brains!"

As soon as I get Julie in my grasp, I pick her up and she tries to wiggle free. Jenny takes Abby. "What are you guys doing?" I ask.

"We just wanted to go on a walk." Julie says innocently.

"You could've just asked!" Hannah says, breathlessly.

"Hannah, calm down." I say. She rolls her eyes. I look back at Julie. "You need to get home before mom and dad-"

Our car pulls up with our parents in it. "What are you guys doing here?!" My mom yells from inside.

"Um..we're.....going for" Jenny stutters.
My dad points ahead of him. "Home. Now."
We all sit on the couch. Even Abby, Jenny, and Marcy sit with us. "This is crazy. I trust you guys to babysit and behave for ONE hour. ONE hour is all that I was asking you." My mom says pacing in front of us.

"Jenny and I were just here at the ending part telling Julie and Abby to go home." I say. Julie rolls her eyes.

"Sure, that's what happened." Julie says.

"Julie, you need to shut up." Hannah says.

"Hannah!" My dad yells.

"What? She needs to!"

"Oh my god I don't know how I'm going to handle this." Mom says pacing even faster. Dad gets up and calms her down while everyone eyes each other.

After my mom is calm, she looks at us. "I'm very disappointed in you guys. Hannah and Nathan, you know better. Julie, we've talked about this." Dad says.

"No we haven't! If we had talked about this, then I wouldn't have done it again." She says.

My moms puts her hands in her hips. "Everyone, you can go home. Abby, I'll call your mother to pick you up." Mom says.

Jenny kisses me on the cheek, and gets up and leaves. Marcy waves to Hannah and Hannah waves back. Marcy leaves.

Abby gets up. "I'll go call my mother." She says. Dad nods. She goes to the kitchen.

Our parents look at us. "All of you are grounded. No screen time, no play dates, just homework and books." Mom says. We all groan.

"Mom, come on!" I say.

"No. That's it, you're grounded and there's nothing you can do about it. You're grounded for three weeks. Good luck."

They leave the living room and go into the kitchen.

"Great." I say. "Now we're all in trouble."

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