Chapter 26

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Nathan POV:

It valentines day and I want to tell Jenny something I've been dying to tell her for years. Troy and Kendra are dating. Yes, it's normal to date in grade nine.

"Aw! Troy you're so sweet!" Kendra says hugging Troy. She kisses him and he kisses back. Jenny and I pretend to gag together. The whole gang laughs.

"Do you guys want to go to the movies tonight altogether for valentines?" Jenny asks.

"Sorry. Babysitting." Kendra says.

"My sister is on her period. I'm not aloud to leave the house until that's over with." Troy says. I look puzzled.

"Um... Ew?" I say.

"It's grosser than you think." Troy says.

"Anyways, I have to go to the library with Troy. We have to do research for a project. See you guys!" Kendra says pulling Troy by the wrist. I turn back to Jenny. We're standing in front of our lockers.

"Hey, since they can't come, do you want to go together?" I ask. Mom and Dad might not even let me go unless Troy and Kendra come with us.

"Okay sure. I'll ask my mom." She says smiling.

"Okay then." I say. We smile at each other. The bell rings. We walk to chemistry together.


Jenny POV:

When I got home, I finished my homework early so that I could meet Nathan as soon as possible. I got ready and took my purse. I was about to walk our the door when my mom stopped me.

"Where do you think you're going missy?" She asks. I turn around.

"To the movies." I say.

"With who?"

"With the gang."

"No, you're going with Nathan."

"How did you know?"

"Every time you hang out with him alone you always primp yourself up."

I blush a little. "Don't worry hon, it's okay to have a little crush." She says tucking some of my hair behind my ears.

"Mom, I really like him. Please don't mess this up for me. He's so cute and nice and amazing and wonderful and-"

"You can go."


"Yup. Go ahead."

I hug her. "Thank you mom! I love you so much!" I say. She kisses the top of my head and waves goodbye. I run out the door and to Nathan's house.

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