Chapter 34

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Shailene POV:
The kids are outside playing on the beach, making sand castles and playing with the frisbee.

I didn't want them to go out, since there are some grey clouds in the sky and the wind is blowing very hard. Theo doesn't mind, as long as they are safe.

I'm making us some ravioli for supper and some salad. Out of no where, Theo stands behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. He snakes his hands onto my stomach.

I feel the baby kick, and so does he. I smile and close my eyes. He kisses my ear. I turn my head towards the backyard, and see Julie nearly drowning from the huge wave.

Nathan and Hannah can barely stand because of the wind. Rain starts pouring down. Theo and I realize, and run out. I run towards Julie, and Theo runs towards Nathan and Hannah.

"JULIE! JULIE!" I scream with tears pouring down my face. I speed towards her and get into the water.

She's about to pass out but I grab her hands and drag her out to the shore. She coughs and I ingulf her into a hug.

We cry together. "Mommy." She coughs.

"Yes sweetie?"

"Please don't leave me here."

"I won't baby. I promise." She kisses my abdomen and continues to hug me.

Theo POV:
When Shailene and I realize what's happening outside, we exchange worried looks and storm outside. She runs towards Julie crying and I aim for Nathan and Hannah.

The wind knocks me off my feet. "Dad!" Hannah yells, trying her hardest to run towards me.

She falls over and Nathan is able to catch up to her. He grabs her and holds her tight. The rain falls into my eyes so I blink them away. I get up and I pull both of them in my arms.

"Get inside! Now!" I yell. I steer them towards the door and they run in. I go to Shailene and see her hugging a crying Julie. Thank goodness. My baby girl is alive.

I run towards them. When I get to them, I say, "Come on, we need to get inside."

"But what about Charlie?"

Charlie is her teddy bear. He's about to dive into the water but I grab him. "He's safe in my arms. No quickly, inside!"

I take Julie out of Shai's hands and pulls Shai close to me. We speed towards the door, and when we get in, we close it behind us.

"Hannah and Julie, you guys will take a bath in our room with me. Theo, Nathan can take a bath in his bathroom. I'll let you take a bath after the girls and I. Alright?" She says. I nod.

Everyone goes upstairs.


Shailene POV:
When all of us are finished bathing and get into our comfortable clothes, we go downstairs and the kids sit on the couch all huddled up together in a blanket.

They watch Spider-Man, their choice not ours. I go to the kitchen and heat up the ravioli and some warm milk.

I go upstairs to check on Theo, and I walk into our room. I catch him topless but he has pants on. I smile. "Hey." I say.

When he sees me, he smiles back. I close the door behind me when I walk in. I grin. He grins back.

I point to my abdomen. "No more of this please." I say. He laughs. I laugh along with him. I lean in and kiss him. He pulls me closer, but is gentle on my stomach.

I snake my arms around his neck and continue to kiss him. "Shai?" He says into the kiss. I pull back.


"I know that we won't ever be able to have another kid, since we won't be able to take it and that's pretty obvious. So I just wanted to say, even though we mind not be able to have you-know-what, I need you to know that I still love you with all my heart. Okay?"

I nod and bury my face in his chest. "Okay." I mumble. I know he's smiling, because I feel it. I've known him long enough to know what he smiles at. That's just us. And I don't ever want this to end. But we both know that five or six kids is too much.

Then I get and idea. "We can use protection." I say. He nods.

"That's what I wanted all along." He says. I gently press my lips to his, and he pulls back.

"Let's go downstairs. The kids are probably getting suspicious." He says. My hands brush against his six pack, sending fireworks through my body.

I remember feeling them for the first time, when we got married in Paris. I loved him then, and I love him even more now.

He kisses he top of my head and we link hands. We turn around and see the kids standing at the door. They don't realize we're looking. I bet we both get the same idea since we evilly grin at each other.

"Oh, Theo, you are such an amazing husband. I love you sooooooooo much." I say.

"But Shai, baby, I love you more than you can ever imagine." He says, playing along.

"Then kiss me to prove it." I say. He smirks and kisses me. The kids groan.

"Ew. Old people kissing." Hannah says. I pull back and laugh. So does Theo. We turn around.

"First of all, we are nod old people, Second of all, YOU GUYS NEED TO STOP SNEAKING UP ON US." Theo says.

"Parents need their privacy for certain reasons." I rub my stomach.

"Julie, I'm glad you don't know what they're saying right now." Nathan says.

"You guys are a big storm that hits each time we try to kiss." I say.

"Pfft, storm. No. No. Just saying, no. Did I mention no?" Hannah says. We all laugh.

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