Chapter 20

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Nathan POV:

Today's my first day of grade one. I'm playing outside with Troy and Jenny before our moms drive us to school. For some reason, I've always had a crush on Jenny. And I bet she's always had a crush on me. But I won't tell her, or Troy, or Mom, or Dad, or Hannah.

"Kids!" My mom yells. She has her car keys in her hand.

We run up to her with our bags and she drives us to school and starts crying. She takes picture of all of us and continues to sob. She holds our hands and we walk into the school and into our class.

"Good morning. These three must be Nathan, Jenny, and Troy." A woman with blonde woman says.

"Yup." My mom replies.

"I'm Mrs. Nourberry. I'm they're teacher." She says.

"It's very nice to meet you. I'm Shailene."

"That's a gorgeous name!"

"Thank you! I better get going. My husband is leaving for work soon and I have another little one to take care of. Bye!" My mom says. She kisses my forehead. "Have a good first day bud."

She walks out. We all look around for our desks. I find one next to Troy. Jenny is beside him. I smile at her and she smiles back shyly.

When everyone is at their seats, Mrs. Nourberry goes to the front of the class and writes her name on the chalkboard.

"Good morning class! My name is Mrs. Nourberry and I will be your teacher this year. We will have five field trips this year and they will be very fun places. Tonight for homework I want everyone to write a story about their family. The story will be due by the end of the week. I'll hand out some lined paper for everyone." She says. We all nod and she passes out some lined paper. And start to write.


After two hours of thinking what to write, the bell rang for lunch. I took out my lunch pale and started to eat with Troy and Jenny at a round table. A little girl walked up to our table with her lunch pale.

"Hi. My name is Kendra. Can I please sit with you?" She asks.

"Of course!" Troy replied. Kendra smiles and sits down. We all eat and share funny jokes and get to know Kendra. She's very nice.

But not as nice as adorable Jenny.


The bell rang for recess and we packed up our lunches and ran outside. We played hide and seek. I won several times, and so did Troy. Jenny must really like playing with Kendra.

"Kendra, where do you live?" Jenny asks.

"Jackler Avenue." Kendra replied. We all smiled.

"We live there too!" I say she giggles. We continue to play. Kendra counts this time. I run with Jenny to a hiding spot we found together. She bumps into someone. He's a fat little boy in our class. His name is Ben.

"Watch where you're going stupid!" He says pushing Jenny. She has tears in her eyes. Rage floods through my body. I stand in front of her.

"Stop being rude to Jenny! You're the one who's stupid! Jenny is nice and funny. You are dumb and mean. Leave her alone!" I yell. Jenny holds onto me lightly. Ben pushes me.

"Watch your language dumbo." Ben says and he walks away. Jenny starts to cry. I hug her. She hugs back.

"You're an amazing friend." She says in between her sobs. I hug her a little bit tighter.

"What's wrong?" Kendra and Troy say in unison running towards us.

"There's a very mean boy who pushed Jenny and called her stupid." I say. They hug her. It turns into a long group hug.

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