Chapter 14

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Shailene POV:

I wake up with morning sickness. I run to the bathroom and throw up. I take a shower and brush my teeth. I don't get dressed since I'm not leaving the house today at all.

I walk downstairs and start getting breakfast ready. I'm making omelettes. I know Nathan doesn't like them but he'll have to eat them since they're healthy.

I hear Theo walk down the stairs. "Good morning." He says.

"Good morning." I say back to him. I take the frying pan with his omelet. I kiss him and put it on his on his plate. "How did you sleep?" I ask.

"Pretty good." He says taking a bite. "I was up all night thinking about the new water ride. It's getting hard. We can't start building it until the supplies ship in."

"Oh, that's to bad. But the supplies should ship in soon, right?" I ask.

"In a month." He says.

"When do you need to have the ride done?" I ask.

"In two months." He says.


"We need to think of something so that we can get the ride done on time."

"Of course! It takes more than just two months to build a ride."

"It doesn't matter. I'll think of something." He continues eating his omelet. I sigh. I hear Nathan walk down the stairs. He sits down in his chair.

"I want pancakes." He says.

"Sorry bud," I put an omelet on his plate. "This is all you've got." He frowns.

"Nathan, your mother cooked it. Now it's time for you to eat it." Theo says. Nathan slowly starts to eat.

I sit down and eat with them. "This baby is driving me nuts." I say rubbing my stomach.

"How about after breakfast we play a nice happy game of Simon says." Theo says. Nathan nods and claps his hands together.


"I'll go first." I say. "I'll get you boys out right now."

"We'll see about that." Theo says.

"Okay. Shailene says jump."

"Nice try, Shay."

"Fine. Simon says jump."

They jump.

"Good. But Simon didn't say land. So both of you are out." I say. Theo's jaw drops.

"No fair!" Nathan says crossing his arms. I laugh. Theo's up next.

"Simon says run." He says. We do as he says. "Stop!". Neither of us stop. "Simon says jump!" We jump. "Simon says land." We land. "Simon says do jumping jacks." We do jumping jacks. "Stop!" I stop.

"Gotcha!" He says. I roll my eyes.

"Na na na boo boo. You're out!" Nathan says.

I laugh and so does Theo. We hear the doorbell ring. I run over to open it. It's Doreen and Alex. They brought over Jenna and Troy.

"Hey guys!" I say. They wave.

"Thank you for taking care of them." Alex says

"No problem." I say back.

"We'll be at our high school reunion. We'll be back in three hours." Doreen says. I nod and close the door. I put the two kids down and hey run off with Nathan to the beach which is our backyard.

"Want to continue Simon says?" He asks.

"Okay. Kiss me." I say. He's about to but I stop him. "Nope. Simon didn't say."

He rolls his eyes and kisses me. I kiss back. He pulls back.

"Theo says let's go outside and watch the kids play." He says.

"Shailene says no."

"Theo says yes."

"Shailene says no."

"Theo says yes."

"Shailene says no."'

"Theo says yes."

"Shailene says no."

"Let's just go outside."

"Theo didn't say." I say. He looks annoyed.

"Theo says shut up." He says. He picks me up and starts walking out.

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