Chapter 18

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Theo POV:

When we got to our resort, Hannah and Nathan both fell asleep instantly. So Shailene and I decided to explore a little bit. It's super sunny and the waves of the beach are crashing towards the shore.

"You know what I've always wanted to do?" Shailene asks me.

"What?" I ask back.

"I've always wanted to conquer my biggest fear."

"I thought you had no fears."

"You know I always say that to act tough. But actually, I'm scared of surfing. I was never a big fan of it. The ocean is so big and deep, it's scary."

I look at her. I kiss her lightly. "How about we try it?" I ask her. She smiles and nods her head.


Shailene POV:

We drop Nathan off at the resorts's a daycare with Hannah until we come back from the beach. Theo is going to teach me how to surf. Well, at least attempt to.

He rents a surfboard for both of us and we hit the water. I hop onto the surfboard. He holds onto my waist and tells me what to do.

"So first you take your hands out." He says. I do what he tells me to. "Bend your knees and little bit."

I close my eyes and follow along. He doesn't talk for a while then I realize what's happening. We're surfing big waves. Really big waves.

"Theo are you crazy?" I yell. The waves are so loud I have to yell. "The waves are too big for beginners."

He doesn't reply. He holds on to me tighter and I relax a little bit. I close my eyes and let the wind blow through my long blonde hair. I can hear the loud waves and admire the fact that he's holding on to me. I hear a whistle blow on shore. The lifeguard is motioning for everyone to get out of the water.

"Shailene we need to go back now!" He yells.

"I'm trying!" I yell back. A huge wave is approaching. My stomach flips. I turn around and hold onto Theo tightly. He holds onto me and covers my head.

"Keep your eyes closed and hold your breath!" He yells. The wave crashes towards us and I blackout.


I wake up on the shore of the beach. Theo is right beside me.

"That's the last time we are ever doing that." He says looking at the sky. I laugh. We look at the clouds. He tells me that he held onto me as we swam back to shore and fell asleep. Hannah and Nathan are playing with some friends they met.

We leave the beach.


Sorry it was short. I have some homework.

I'm leaving to San José tonight. We're going to see my aunt and my uncle. They have a baby girl and a little boy. They're so cute!

If I get wifi there, I'll update as soon as possible.

Until then,

Keep smiling,

taralovesstories ❤️

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