Chapter 25

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Shailene POV:

I feel water some to my feet while I'm sitting on the couch. I scream for Theo. he runs in and picks me up bridal style and outs me in the car. Hannah and Nathan are at my sister McKenna's house.

I scream. Theo pulls out of the driveway and we speed to the hospital.


Julie is born. She has beautiful blue eyes and blonde hair. She looks a lot like Hannah. She doesn't like to sleep. Her eyes were open the whole time. She smiled at Theo and I when we kissed.

Nathan and Hannah came to visit her. Hannah was so happy when she saw she had a little sister.

We went home a week ago. It's Christmas Eve and I'm sad that there's no snow since we live in Florida.

Hannah helps me make cookies for Santa and for our Christmas party tomorrow. Theo and Nathan set up the Christmas tree and the decorations. Julie surprisingly fell asleep. That's strange for her, she never sleeps.

When we put the cookies in the oven, Hannah and I washed our hands and we go over to the living room where the Christmas tree is.

I grab the camera and Theo picks Hannah up and she puts the star at the top of the Christmas tree. I snap the picture. The door bell rings. I go to open it.

When I open the door, I see Jenny. She is alone and she has a wrapped present in her hands.

"Merry Christmas Eve Mrs. James!" She says. I hug her.

Aww, thank you sweetheart. I'll go get Nathan." I say. "Nathan! Someone's here for you!"

Nathan runs to the door with a present like he was expecting for Jenny to come. He smiles when he sees her and she does the same. I leave the two of them alone.


Nathan POV:

When I see Jenny at the door, I smile. My mom leaves us alone. "Merry Christmas Jenny." I say.

"Merry Christmas Nathan." She says. We exchange presents. I open the present and I see she got me a Brazuka. I gasp.

"Do you know how expensive this is?" I ask her in shock. She giggles and nods. She opens the present I gave her and gasps.

"It's a heart locket! I love it!" She says.

"Turn around." I say taking the locket. She turns around. I put the necklace on for her and she turns around.

"It's beautiful." She says. She hugs me. "I better get going."

"Okay bye!" I say. I slowly start to close the door. She walks turns around to leave. She quickly turns back around.

"Nathan wait!" She yells. I look at her. She comes up to me and gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Merry Christmas Eve once again." She waves and walks away.

I close the door and realize my whole family was watching that and filming it. My mom squeals. "Nathan's got a girlfriend!" Hannah yells. I roll my eyes and we all laugh.


Hannah POV:

I wake up and tip toe to Nathan's room. I tap him lightly. "Nathan." I whisper. He doesn't wake up. "Nathan." I whisper but a bit louder. "NATHAN" I yell pushing him off of the bed. When he falls to the ground, he groans.

"What?!" He asks.

"It's Christmas!"

He jumps up. He hushes me and we tiptoe out of his room and down the stairs. There's a whole load of Christmas presents under the tree. We wake up our parents. They moan and get Julie.

We all go downstairs and open presents.

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