Chapter 45

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Doreen POV: (I know it's different but just go with it)
I sit in the kitchen signing some paperwork. Jenny is out with Nathan, and I'm really happy they found each other again.

The door bursts open. "Nathan, for the last time, I don't want to go to it!" Jenny yells.

"Jenny please! It'll be really fun!" Nathan says.

"No!" Jenny shoots back. When they come into the kitchen, I stop them from arguing.

"Woah, woah, woah. Stop. What's wrong?" I say.

"Nathan wants to take me to this stupid valentines day dance and I DONT WANT TO GO." Jenny says.

"Aw, a romantic dance? That sound so amazing Nathan-" I start.

"Mom!" Jenny yells.

"Sorry. But I think Nathan should have a say in this,"

"I really just think that we should go, it'll be really fun. Just tell me, why don't you want to go?" Nathan says.

Jenny sighs and rolls her eyes. "I don't want to go because it sounds stupid and boring."

He stands there silently for a while. "Alright." Nathan mumbles. "I'll see you later. Bye Jenny." He leaves.

Jenny takes a water bottle from the fridge. "Jenny, that was a little harsh." I say.

"What do you expect? Should I go and get teased for it after?" She asks.

"Jenny, sweetie, what's the real reason you don't want to go?"

She bites the inside of her cheek and tries to avoid my eyes.

"I really want to go. It's just that...... I CANT DANCE! There, I said it. I don't know how to dance. Big deal." She says. I walk over to her and hug her.

"Oh honey, it's not a big deal. Not everyone can dance." I say. She let's out a light sob.

"Nathan is such a good boyfriend and he planned something so romantic and sweet, and I was harsh to him." She says.

"It's okay sweetheart. We all make mistakes."

I let go of her. She sits down at the kitchen counter. She groans. "What am I going to do?" Jenny asks. She rests her elbows on the counter and rubs her eyes.

I sit down next to her. "Maybe you should go," I say.

"No way. I'll humiliate him."

"Jenny, Nathan will never feel humiliated with you. All he will feel is proud." I say. She looks up at me.

"How do you know that?"

"Because my mother always told me, men chase after girls, not popularity." I say. She smiles.

"Maybe you're right. If I go there, we can just be ourselves. I don't have to be a good dancer." She says. I nod. "Thanks mom." She hugs me tightly.

When Jenny let's go of me, she says, "I need to go shopping with my friends. Maybe they can help me find the perfect dress."



Nathan POV:
I sit on my bed, staring at the clock. It's 6:30. The dance starts at seven. I roll my eyes. Jenny won't come, even though I offered her a romantic way to spend valentines day.

All day today I sat in my room eating chocolate and playing video games with my friend Joey. He left an hour ago.

Sammy comes into my room and hops onto my bed. I smile. "Hey buddy." I say . I rub behind his ears.

I sigh. He cuddles up against me. "Why are girls so dumb sometimes?" I ask myself. I look over to Sammy. "Do you know Sam?"

He sits there silently. "Yeah, that's what I thought." I mumble. The doorbell rings.

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