Chapter 10

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Shailene POV:


I decide to take Nathan out on a walk around the block. I get put him in his baby carriage and wrap a towel around him. When I take him outside, his eyes are scanning the outdoors. I look down the street and see some other women with babies talking to each other.

I start walking towards them. A woman with a baby looks at me and smiles. She waves at me. I wave back. She calls me over.

I walk over to them. "You're the new people that just moved here," she says. "I'm Doreen." She shakes my hand. "Is it just you and the little guy?"

"No. Actually it's me, him, and my husband." I say. She nods.

"I have me, my husband and three more kids after this little girl." She says.

"You've got a girl?" I ask. She nods. She points to a woman holding a child about one years old. The woman has brown hair that's pulled up into a ponytail.

"That's Alex, she has five kids and she's divorced." Doreen says. I shake Alex's hand.

"Nice to meet you," she says.

"Sorry I forgot to mention," I say. "My name is Shailene. My sons name is Nathan."

"My girl's name is Jenny." Doreen says.

"My boy's name is Troy." Alex says.

"By the way, if you want to be friends with us, I need to explain something to you." Doreen says. "You are not aloud to mention Jon."

"Who's Jon?" I ask.

"My ex." Alex says. I nod.

"I promise I won't mention-" I say. "Him..."

We continue talking for a while.


I change Nathan's diaper when I hear the door open. "Shay, where are you?" Theo asks.

"I'm upstairs." I reply. I hear his footsteps coming up. He walks into the room. He plugs his nose.

"Holy crap, that's gross." He says. I laugh. He stands behind me and wraps his hands around my hips. He kisses me lightly. I kiss back.

"I'm gonna take a shower and get changed." He says. "I'll be right back." I nod.

When I finish, I put Nathan down for a nap and walk into me and Theo's room. I see him laying on the bed with his hands behind his head.

"Hello dear," I say like an old lady. "Would you like some ice cream?" He laughs. I gets up a little bit and grabs my hips and pulls me down onto the bed to lay down with him.

I kiss him. It's long and passionate. I pull back. "How was work?" I ask with our foreheads touching.

"Pretty good, we're designing a new ride, it's called the 'Slippy Slope'.It's a water ride. It'll be done when Nathan's about three years old."

"Wow, that would take a while. Are you stressed about it?"

"It's going pretty good so far. Not a single bump in the road."

"That's great!"

"But that still doesn't mean a bump won't come."

"I know." He says. He crashes his lips onto mine. I continue it. I pull back.

"A little thing I just wanted to tell you, I met some moms and they're coming for dinner tonight. So we need to get Nathan ready." I say.

"How many did you meet?"


"Perfect, two girls for you, two boys for me."

"Make that one," I say. He looks puzzled. "One of them is divorced." I continue to kiss him.

Page Break

Theo and I made dinner and set the table. I'm just putting on some perfume and he's putting on some deodorant. Then I hear the doorbell ring.

"That's them!" I say. I run down the stairs and open the door. There stands Doreen and Mike (her husband), Alex and Jon. They also have their kids with them also.

I look puzzled. I look at Jon then at Alex. "I'll tell you later." She says. I nod.

They all come in. Theo runs down the stairs. "Good evening everyone, sorry I'm late." He says. He sits down at the table with everyone else.

"So Theo, what do you do for a living?" Doreen asks.

"I'm an Imagineer." He replies. She looks puzzled. "An Imagineer is one of Disney's engineers."

"Oh, okay."

"Alex, Doreen. Can I have a quick moment with you two?" I ask. We all stand up and walk out of the dining room.

"What is HE doing here?" I ask.

"He came to visit Troy, when I told him I was going somewhere, he followed me. But just this once I promise."

I look over at Jon. "I just want to ask this out of curiosity, why did you guys divorce?" I ask.

"He cheated, and he's married now." Alex says.

"With who?" Doreen asks.

"This girl named Jade." Alex replies. My eyes widen. Could it be- no. I need to tell Theo.



Sorry for not updating for a while, I was REALLY busy.

Before I finish this chapter, I just wanted to say that I am writing another book and it's called "I'm in love with you". It's a Sheo story. It's what happened BEFORE this book. (Before they got married and had a child.)

So pretty much how they met.

Stay tuned for more!

Keep Smiling,

taralovesstories ❤️

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