Chapter 23

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Shailene POV:

My mom picked up the kids so Theo and I could spend some time together. We decided not to do something big like go somewhere fancy for dinner.

We're staying home and just hanging out. "Remember when Nathan was just born?" I ask him. We sit on the couch cuddled up together.

"Of course. That was one of the happiest days of my life." He says. I kiss him and pull back.

"Do you know that I love you?" I ask.

"If I didn't know, I wouldn't love you as much as I do now." He says. He kisses me again. I kiss back. He strokes my hair and I snake my arms around his chest.

The kiss is slow, and long. Our lips move in synch. I would never do this if Nathan and Hannah were here. Because whenever we kiss, they pretend to gag. It's funny.

Sparks fly as we continue to kiss. My legs are now wrapped around his waist, but we're still sitting.

He gets up not breaking the kiss for a single second. We walk upstairs and my legs are still wrapped around his chest. He opens the door to our bedroom.

"Baby number three?" I ask.

"Baby number three." He replies smiling. He closes the door. That's up history from there.


Hannah POV:

I went to Nana's house today with Nathan because mommy and daddy said that they needed some time alone together. I think they want to kiss. Ew.

Nana made us cookies and lemonade. She also took us to the park and I met a nice little girl named Emma and her little brother named Elliot.

We played at the park for a while, then when we got home, Nathan started to do a project. He interviews me while I eat cookies and drink lemonade.

"So, Mrs. James." He says all serious like. "Where we're you last Saturday night?"

"Um... With you?" I say.

"And what were you doing?" He writes everything down.

"I was making a sandcastle with you."

"Is this true?"


"Is it really?"








He writes it all down. "Arguing with a detective. Okay then." He mumbles under his breath. I slam my hands on the table.

"Listen stupid poopy face, I don't want to answer any of your dumb questions. Okay?"

"It's for a project Hannah!"

"What project?"

"I have to write about my family!"

"Then interview mommy and daddy and not me." I say and stomp to the backyard to sit with Nana.

"What's wrong dear?" She asks.

"Nathan is being a disgusting floating poop in the toilet." I say crossing my arms.

"Why?" Nana asks.

"He's making me answer dumb questions."

"Oh dear. I think you two should have some space."

I roll my eyes and stomp inside. I sit back down in the seat I was sitting in before I stomped off. "I'm sorry Nathan."

"I don't care. You suck at answering these questions anyways."

"I do not!"

"Do too!"

"Do not!"

"Do to!"

"Do not!"

"Do to!"

"DO NOT!" I yell and I hit him. He hits me back. I scream and start running from him. He follows me.

"I hate you! You're dumb!" I yell.

"I hate you more!" He yells catching up to me and grabbing me.

"Let me go butthole!" I yell struggling.


I think this is my favourite chapter so far. Hope you're enjoying!

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