Chapter 22

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Theo POV:

I come back from work feeling horrible. My boss just yelled at the whole team because we didn't have the supplies shipped in in time. It took me all day to find the perfect date for supplies shipping.

When I took a shower and got dressed into at black tee and some shorts. I hear laughter outside. I see Shailene and the kids playing volleyball with the kids. The sight makes me smile.

I decide to join them. I get my bathing suit on and go outside with them. Shailene notices me. She walks over to me and kisses me. I kiss back.

I pull back. "Was Hannah good today?" I ask.

"She was amazing. How was your day?" Shailene says.

"I'd rather not talk about it. Now let's have fun with the kids." I say. She nods.

"Boys against girls!" I yell. Nathan and I go on one side of the net, Hannah and Shailene go on the other side of the net.

"Whoever wins has to throw someone in the water." Nathan yells.

At the end of the game, Nathan and I won. Nathan goes to pick up Hannah. Hannah screams and tries to wiggle free. But he just runs in with her and get soaking wet. Shailene starts backing away from me.

"Oh no." She says. She starts running. I follow her. I end up catching up to her. I wrap my arms around her stomach and pick her up. She screams and laughs. I run into the water with her and dip her inside.

That probably was the best underwater kiss we've ever had. :)


We continue to play Marco Polo when we feel water drop on our faces. "It's raining!" Hannah yells.

Shailene goes to the shore and picks up our towels she wraps Hannah and Nathan into one and I wrap us in one. We sit on the beach all together enjoying the warm rain.

Then suddenly thunder booms. "We need to get inside!" Shailene yells. She picks up Hannah and I pick up Nathan. We run inside.

We all take a shower and get into our pyjamas. Shailene makes us some hot chocolate and I make us some cookies.

We all cuddle up on the couch and watch the smurfs 2. Everyone falls asleep by the middle of the movie.


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