TreeBros-Secret Santa

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I collaborated with ironic_isnt_it and they published it on their 12 days of Christmas oneshots. They are an AMAZING writer, and I highly recommend reading their work.

Merry Christmas everyone!

"Alana, remind me... why are we doing Secret Santa?" Jared asked, slumping down on the Murphy's couch. Alana crossed her arms. Evan and Connor rolled their eyes. Zoe sighed, although she was used to her girlfriend arguing with Jared.

"Because," she explained, emphasizing the word, "it's fun to know you're gonna get at least one present from someone. Besides, what's your deal with Secret Santa? It's pretty much a tradition in my family. We've been doing one for years."

"Well, not everybody has a family like yours," Jared argued. "And besides, I just don't get the point of it."

"It's a game. A joke," Connor tried to explain, annoyed with Jared's unwillingness to comply. The two eyed each other, glaring, until Jared looked away. Connor always won these sorts of things. As much as Jared hated to admit it, he was intimidated by the so-called 'School Shooter'. He had seen Connor push Evan down in the hallway, and he was front and center for the 2nd Grade Printer Incident.

"So, I have names of all the people in our friend group in this bag." Alana pulled a plastic baggie with slips of paper inside of it. "You will pull a name out of here, and you need to get this person a gift under fifty dollars. If you don't know who the person is, just use your imagination. Just another rule: No sex toys or condoms." Alana gave a stink-eye to Jared, who put his hands in the air, acting as innocent has he could, even though he was the master of the 'that's what she said' joke.

Alana opened the bag, and passed it to Jared. He raised his eyebrows, not accepting the bag, but she shoved it into his hands. He sat back, adjusted his glasses, slid his hand into the bag, and fished around for a name. He finally pulled a slip of paper out and looked it over. After shooting Alana a mixed expression of confusion and shock, the now-stunned Jared gave the bag of names to the person to his left, Evan Hansen.

Evan took a deep breath, reaching his hand into the bag. He shuffled the papers around before finally taking one. Bracing himself to find out whose Christmas he would be ruining, he unfolded the slip of paper.

Connor Murphy

"Oh my god," He mumbled. He didn't have a clue about what Connor wanted. He didn't even know Connor that well. He side-glanced at the boy, who was fishing around for a name in the bag, then quickly looked away before Connor noticed.

What am I going to get him? Evan pondered the question, clueless.


Evan looked around the mall, the slip of paper in his hands. Earlier that day, he had wondered if he should ask Zoe about what Connor likes. He decided not to when Connor walked into the kitchen getting a glass of milk.

Evan spotted a Barnes and Noble (its a bookstore with lots of nerd stuffs) and walked in. The store almost felt like a second home to him. He looked around, taking in the view of the cookbooks, the historical books, and the giant Harry Potter section. He wandered over to the Harry Potter section, and browsed for a gift. He didn't know if Connor even liked Harry Potter or not. He knew Alana and Zoe did, but had never seen the other Murphy sibling talk about it. He decided to not risk it and headed to the section where the games, kids' books, CDs, and action figures were held.

Aisle after aisle, he couldn't find anything that Connor would like. He turned another corner, and was faced with Broadway-Themed merchandise. There was a rack of socks with the Hamilton characters on it, a Wicked themed calendar, a Spring Awakening sweater, a Heathers script, and a plush Audrey 2. Evan remembered Connor mentioning some musical about a Latino neighborhood in Washington Heights, but Evan couldn't find anything. He slowly walked down the aisle, taking in all the Broadway. He spotted a teddy bear dressed as a Newsboy from a musical called Newsies. Something suddenly hit Evan like a bullet.

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