Pride/Coming Out Headcannons!!!!

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Sooooo since Pride is finally here, I've decided to do some pride Headcannons!!!! Like when these peeps from DEH and BMC discovered they're not straight, how they came out, and how they live with it!!!

Also HOLY CHALUPAS YALL 20k views????? Like what???? Oh my effin lanta I love y'all so much


-When he met Miguel, he kinda was like "oh shittttt he's kinda hot am I gay???"

-He's bi, but he tends to lean more towards guys. He likes girls, but he's more into guys if ya know what i mean

-He first came out to Miguel, and they started dating.

-They kinda decides they weren't really right for each other, but they still keep in touch and they're still friends

-He comes out to Jared accidentally when Jared guessed that Connor liked Evan

-Then he decided to come out to the rest of the group and family

-He is open about his sexuality to anyone who asks


-He first discovered he was pan when he kinda crushed on Evan during middle school

-he pushed away these feelings and decided "oh maybe Evan won't suspect anything if I'm a huge dick to him!"

-Evan confronts him one day (and Jared's crush had long been gone) and is like "yoooo wthhhh" and he kinda breaks down and admits he's pan

-Ofc Evan hugs him and he was like "bud you good. I'm questioning myself here too."

-He came out to the rest of the bunch by sending a picture of him kissing a frying pan to the group chat and saying "this is my girlfriend who lives in Panada" (someone get my reference)

-He makes pan jokes all the time


-She's Demi, But she's attracted to any gender (so would that technically be pan?? I don't know...)

-She kinda discovered she was Demi when she wasn't really into Evan that much. She wanted to be with someone who was close to her.

-So they broke up...oof but they remained friends

-She and Alana had been friends for a really long time and she told Alana she was Demi when they were sophomores (I hc that both of them are a grade beneath Evan, Connor, and Jared)

-both of them shared a dorm in college and then they started dating during junior year

-She was really shy about coming out even though she knew her parental units support LGBT+

-So she kinda sat them down in the living room and was like "ummm I have a girlfriend."

-and Connor walks into the room, holding a glass of juice and spewing it everywhere because he didn't think his sister was into girls


-He's bi, but kinda the opposite of Connor. He tends to lean more towards girls, but he loves Connor with all his heart and soul

-He kinda always questioned if he likes guys or girls all his life, and in the summer of 10th grade, he told Jared that he was questioning.

-He then came out to his mom, who supported him lots

-He was kinda shy about his sexuality when he was first coming onto terms with it, but eventually, he started coming out to more people

-When he and Zoe were dating, he kinda kept noticing Connor, and was like "....shittttt...."

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