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Hi!!!! You got questions I got answers!

-philsglasses- asked me: What's your favorite flower?

I love marigolds and sunflowers!!! I used to grow them all the time!!! Although it's not really a flower, but I am obsessed with Venus Flytraps!!!!

DeepfriedMusicals asked me if I like the new BMC album.

Yeah!!!! I think the combination of original actors and the new actors like Will Roland, Tiffany Mann, Jason Sweetooth, Jake Boyd, and Jason Tam are really good!!!! I also love the original actors like George Salazar, Stephanie Hsu, Gerard Canonico, Lauren Marcus, and Kaitlyn Carson!!!!! The music is super good, and the new lines/songs are also cool!!

fansapphic asked me: If you were a drink, what would you be?

I would be coffee. Maybe some dark, bitter coffee. It suits me well.

Or I'd be butterbeer like from Harry Potter.

Or orange juice. Idk man

BatWing3021 asked me: Have you listened to the new BMC recoding? And what if your favorite part?

I have listened to it!!! I really liked "The Smartphone Hour!" And how the SQUIP literally sounds like a frat surfer dude. Like it's kinda hilarious. Although I did have a  s l i g h t problem. For some reason, the "IT'S FROM JAPAAAAAAAAAAAAN!" Wasn't as like....hype as it was in the original? Like don't get me wrong, it was good, but ehhh it could have been better. Maybe it's just Gerard losing his voice after playing Rich so much.

afangirl_atwork asked me who would be my best friend in a musical?

I'd wanna be friends with Heidi Hansen from Dear Evan Hansen. She's my favorite character, and I would love being friends with her.

Or maybe Natalie from Next to Normal. She's pretty awesome, and deserves better.

Also some friends who aren't here asked me some questions:

Q: What am I looking forward to the most in the next month?

I GOT BEN PLATT CONCERT TICKETS!!!!!!!!!!!!! May 16th!!!! And yes! I will post pictures!!!!!!!

I'm gonna cry I have tears coming outta my nose.

Q: What is my least favorite musical?

Jesus Christ Superstar. It's just not my cup of tea.

Or Oliver! I just don't like it for some reason.

If you could meet any one who has died, who would it be?

Real or fictional?

Real-Susan B Anthony!!! If you don't know who she is, she basically got women the right to vote and have a voice and all that jazz

Fictional-Connor Murphy...I loved him so much in the book, and it would be really nice to be friends with him.

What book (or book series) do you recommend?

The Unwind dystology!!! It's super good!!!! It kinda takes the concept of harvesting teenagers for their body parts and expands it!!!

It's super underrated and needs l o t s more love.

What superpower would you have?


What is my favorite album of songs?

Ummmmm....maybe Sing to Me Instead by Ben Platt! Although I loooooooooove the Wicked soundtrack!

Dream Broadway Role?

Either Zoe Murphy, Elphaba, or Diana Goodman. Although Heidi Hansen would be awesome!!!!

Or Christine from bmc!!!!

Have you ever met a drag queen?

Yessssssss!!! She was the most amazing thing!!!!! I got separated from my mom and a drag queen noticed I was in a panic so she let me call my mom on her phone. Mom thought that it was hilarious.

Weirdest dream?

I had a dream where I was trapped in a drawer

Or that I was yeeting frogs everywhere.

When did you realize you weren't straight?

I think it was when I was in fourth grade (maybe??? Idk if it actually counts) and when I saw wicked, I had this HUGE crush on the lady that played Elphaba, but I kinda ignored it. Flash forward to last year when I started crushing on one of my (female) fiends. That's kinda when I realized I was Pan!

Favorite fast food restaurant?

Chick-fil-A. It's crack

Guilty pleasure?

Reading/writing fanfiction. Or re-watching Phantom of the Opera for the 2937372819828th time.

First person I came out to?

My best friend!!!! She was super supportive and helped me come out to others!!! I've been out to everyone I know around me now!!!

What got you into musicals?

Welllll, one of my uncles used to be a stage actor!!! When I was five, I saw him in Beauty and the Beast, and he played Gaston!!! He's been on and off-broadway, and he's starred in some really famous ones like Wicked, Wizard of Oz, Phantom of the Opera, Les Miserables (twice!! He played jean valjean and enjorlas!) Little Shop of Horrors, Bye Bye Birdie, and a lotttttttt more. It would take me all day to name them 😂. That's kinda when I first started having an interest in theatre. Flash forward to fourth grade when my parents took my brother and I to NYC for the first time and we saw Wicked. And oh my lanta it was literally the most amazing thing ever oh my lanta. I have now seen Wicked three times and seeing it again in October!!!! Then when I was in seventh grade, my friend introduced me into Hamilton, and then my obsession started branching out. I'm open to all suggestions!!!!

Fav Musical song?


There's waaaaaay too many.

-Cell Block Tango (Chicago)

-Take Me or Leave Me (RENT)

-Today 4 U (RENT)

-Rent (Take a guess)

-Omigod You Guys (Legally Blonde)

-I'm Breaking Down (Falsettos)

-Good for You (Dear Evan Hansen)

-38 Planes (Come From Away)

-For Good (Wicked)

And there's literally so much more. I just picked like the first ones that come to mind.

Thank you for all your questions!!!!! I'll see you in the next part!!!!

Also feel free to ask me anything else if you're curious!!!

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