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Im baaaaaaack!!!!!

And this is my 100th part in this book!!!!!

You know what that means?


Gold1locks oh my lanta you are one of the most amazing people on this planet, and I love talking to you and love being your friend!!!!! I love telling all my random stories and my random song lyrics and you bouncing back. I'm so glad I can be myself around you, because other people would be like, "Yo, AC, why are you making dinosaur noises?" And I'm all like, "What kind of question is that???" But when you're around it's more like, "Ooooh. Okay, good, but now do it louder." You're the Galinda to my Elphaba, and I couldn't be happier!!!!

sunnyHey Hiiiiii. Your writing is amazing (kinda fangirlin' here if ya know what I mean) and I love all the positive energy you radiate. You are destined for greatness, and you're forged to be a light in the darkness!! You have one of the brightest minds of all time. It's as if the sun looked at Da Vinci and was like "Sup playa?" And then Da Vinci was all, "You wanna do this?" And then they created your mind. Keep being awesome, and never let people rain on your parade. Remember to take good care of yourself, and never give up!! Love you!!!!

heather_weasley oh my goodness. You are one of the most amazing people I've ever talked to on here (and I've talked to lotsa lotsa amazing people) and you never fail to make me smile when I'm having a bad day. You'll be with me like a handprint on my heart. I know you have rewritten my story by being my friend. If, for some reason, an airplane we were both on was experiencing problems, I'd help you with your oxygen before adjusting mine. And that's against the sky code. Never apologize for the amazing things you do.

heere-n-queer hi!!!! I love chatting with you in pm's and I love your love for musicals!!!!! You are so funny, and your sense of humor is something the most talented comedians couldn't achieve. Not only would I catch a grenade for you, I'd throw that thing back because no one throws a grenade at you and gets away with it. Keep being amazing!!!!

ToWeirdToLive33 Heyyyy!!! You are such an amazing person, and you deserve the most amazing things!!! I always look forward to seeing you at school, and seeing your smile! You know that one scene in Napoleon Dynamite when Kip says "Yesssss!" After knocking over nine bowling pins? That's how I feel whenever I see you every day!!! Never stop being yourself!

InsanelyCoolRaeMell You are so sweet!!!! I love taking to you about anything and everything!!!! You're always there for me, and I really appreciate it!!! If I could capture your compliments, I'd put them in a ziplock bag and freeze them. Because theyd last longer. Don't ever turn away from your greatness!!!!

logansglasses GELLOW!!!!!!!! I love pming you so much!!!! You are an amazing person, and I love how you view the world!!!! You're an amazing friend, and we writers would spend years trying to come up with the very notion of you. We always keep coming close enough to keep trying. Keep being fantabulous!

JaegerJohann Do I know you???? Oh wait...we go to the same school...You're amazing, funny, fantastic (yes sir I can make doctor who references too), and just plain awesome. "In 900 years of time and space, I've never met someone who wasn't important." -11th Doctor. You know what I'm grateful for? Having met you. And also The Office. But never mind, keep being awesome, dude.

So I will have a oneshot up soon!!! I've had writers block, but I'll keep going!!!!

And since pride is heere, HAPPY PRIDE!!!!!!!!!

Y'all matter so much!!! It doesn't matter if you're out of the closet, in the closet, or somewhere in between, 👏🏻 you 👏🏻 are 👏🏻 still 👏🏻 valid 👏🏻

Also kinda random, but I won the theater award at school. My buddy JaegerJohann won an art award!!!!

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