BMC/DEH Incorrect Quotes

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I know I said I'd be productive but ya know? Lotsa funny things are said in my family and friends so imma put them as incorrect quotes.

Also: thank you so freaking much for the compliments on my curly hair y'all actually made my day. I think imma wear it curly more often!!!! Also someone said, "ALL HAIL THE MIGHTY GLOW CLOUD!" When they saw my hair. (Also I've been listening to "Welcome to Night Vale," and it's amazing y'all)

Connor: I require food

Evan: *hands him mints*

Connor: those are mints, idiot

Evan: *hands him twizzlers*

Connor: that's candy

Evan: *hands him peanuts*

Connor: that's rabbit food

Evan: *hands him MnM's*

Connor: thaaaaat's what I'm talking about!


Brooke: I look at myself in the mirror every morning, and I say to myself, "You..." *points to self* "Are sexy." *weird smile* Gold1locks knows what I'm talking about

Chloe: *dying laughing in the background*


Jeremy: *points camera to cookies on stove, turning it to Michael's face* WHAT DO WE DO WHEN MOM'S NOT HOME?

Michael: p A r T y H a R d !


Jake: Look out the window!!! I see Uranus!

Rich, whispering: I like your anus


Michael: *changes Netflix icons to Queer Eye characters* this is gonna be a w e s o m e


Jenna: *points camera to Christine, who is trying to sleep* YOU WANNA TAKE A NAP?

Christine: yes please *nodding*


Christine: Y E S


Evan, calling his mom who is across the world: hey mom...I gotta tell you something


Fun fact: that was Ben talking about when he came out to his mom. He was in Israel and someone said, "Ben is so lucky he's gay because he can hang out with the girls and they don't think he's gonna flirt with them or anything." And a teacher overheard this, so she was gonna call his mom, but Ben was like, "no just lemme tell her." So that's how Ben came out. I'm totally gonna write a oneshot based off of this at some point.


Jared: You're the yee to my haw

Alana: gee thanks


Zoe: *turns on Connor's heated seat during the summer for the fourth time*

Connor: why


Rich: I taught Christine the alphabet of curse words



J e n n a:



Rich: *trips*

Rich: oof


Chloe: beep boop

Christine: beep flipping boop yourself

Christine: hey

sunnyHey knows what's up


Mr. Reyes: can the light crew please stop adjusting the lights so Brooke can take selfies? Thank you!


Zoe: You are scum of the earth

Connor: Your mOm is the scum of the earth


Jeremy: hey Christine you want candy?

Christine: I WANT CANDY! *snatches candy bag* hehehehe

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