Preference #8

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Their Favorite Body Part of Yours to Touch


Alaric- He rubs your shoulders and your back.
Bonnie- She grabs onto your forearms.
Caroline- She buries her face in your chest and places her hands there when she hugs you.
Damon- He kisses/holds onto your neck.
Elena- She hugs/holds onto you by your waist.
Enzo- He puts his hands on your back.
Jeremy- He cups/strokes your face.
Kai- He kisses/touches your lips with his thumb.
Katherine- She touches your crotch/ass.
Mason- He likes to put his arm around your shoulders.
Matt- He puts his hands on/around your shoulders.
Stefan- He wraps his arms around your lower torso.
Tyler- He holds you by your waist/ass.
Vicki- She buries her face in your chest/neck.


Davina- She holds you by your neck/back.
Elijah- He enjoys burying his face in your neck for security, and kissing it when he feels more romantic.
Finn- He touches your waist and ass.
Freya- She holds/loves to touch your hands.
Klaus- He squeezes your ass.
Hayley- She loves your forearms.
Hope- She holds onto your waist/arms and shoulders.
Kol- He squeezes/rests his hands on your thighs/ass.
Marcel- He holds you by your hands/forearms.
Rebekah- She loves your neck.
Vincent- He holds you by putting an arm around your back.

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