The Infiltration Pt. 2

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Thanks to Pidge's cloaking device, we all took a ride in the Green Lion towards the central hub without being detected. We snuck into the building, only to find that this place was pretty much deserted. It made me cautious as we made our way to the control room.

It wasn't long until we reached our destination, seeing that there was only one Galra soldier and two Sentries. "Interference clear in three, two, one," the soldier said before yawning a big one.

Slyly, Shiro walked up behind the Galra with his robotic arm ready to fight, "Psst! Hey!" The soldier turned around in confusion, not expecting to be punched in the face by Shiro. The punch was massive, keeping the Galra unconscious on the floor. The sentries turned around at the sound as Lance and Hunk activated their Bayards before shooting at them.

Once the soldiers were down, Pidge immediately went to work to find more information about the Galra Empire. Shiro appointed Keith and me for lookout while the rest stayed low and waited for Pidge to do her thing.

"How does it look out there?" Shiro asks.

"All clear," Keith said.

"Everything is clear on my side," I added.

"Don't worry guys, I'll be able to collect the data that we need in a few minutes." Pidge spoke up as her computer beeps, "Hunk and I made some improvements since the last time we tried to download Galra info. We should get a nice, clean translation immediately. Hunk had a great idea about how to do it."

Hunk nods, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, do you guys remember when we studied algorithms at the garrison, and Mr. York told us that joke about the ghost learning symbolic logic and innumerable infinite sets?" I thought back to my first year learning that, but I couldn't remember the joke.

"Boring!" Lance interjected as he walked over to one of the panels to the left side of the room.

"I thought that class was quite interesting actually," I replied as I continued to look into space, making sure we didn't have any unexpected visitors.

"Right, yeah, totally, it was boring," Hunk replied with a hint of sarcasm in his voice, "Anyway, the joke goes ---"

Lance let out a loud groan, not wanting to hear the joke. "Sorry to interrupt, but I think we have some visitors," Keith says as a dark shadow loomed over the hub. Instinctively, we all ducked down and huddled closer together nearest to the control panel, "Think we should get out of here?"

"We just need a few more seconds," Pidge says as she continued to extract the info.

"Stay low," Shiro commanded. "We need this intel." Suddenly, the panel started to beep, causing us to scatter.

"Get down!" Keith calls out, making us all duck closer to the ground and under the consoles. Right above the control panel, a screen appeared with a Galra troop member walking into view.

"Huh?" The soldier looked bewildered to see that no one was on the other side of the communicator. Everything fell silent for a few seconds.

"He's still looking," Lance spoke in a hushed voice. "I think he's waiting for a signal or something."

"I got it," Hunk says as he slowly made his way to the control panel, taking the beat up sentry robot and lifting it up, so it was in view. He reached out for the dismembered arm and started making gestures as if it was coming from the actual robot itself. It wasn't the best convincing act, but it was worth the shot.

The Galra soldier at the other end still had this confused look on his face as he held his hand up, signing off. Then, Hunk let out a sigh of relief with us following suit, "Nice job, Hunk!" Lance complimented as he stood up from the ground and gave a robotic hand a high-five.

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