Silly Rabbit

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.:. Rating : NC-17 .:.

It’s strange, but Ryan doesn’t even notice Brendon until he speaks.  He’s so concentrated on his sidekick, typing out a quick message to Pete before his battery dies, that he doesn’t even look up when he walks into the longue to find his charger.

“Do you think that I’m a Holly, a Bridget, or a Kendra?” Brendon asks, his voice drifting over from the couch.

“What?” Ryan asks completely confused.  He finishes his text message and closes his phone, turns it off to conserve the little energy it has left, and immediately starts to rummage through an insanely large pile of floor pillows since he vaguely remembers charging his phone around this area last time.  “What the hell are you talking about?” he throws over his shoulder, grumbling a little as his hand hits something hard, but it’s just one of Spencer’s shoes that Jon has been hiding around the bus.

“Wait, what are you doing?” Brendon questions, and even though Ryan doesn’t turn around, still looking through the mess at his feet, he can imagine that Brendon is leaning over the edge of the couch, neck straining and eyes open ridiculously wide.

Ryan huffs.  “I’m trying to find my charger.  Did you take it by accident?  Or steal it?  I still don’t get that stupid game you and Jon keep playing.”  He abandons the pile of pillows and goes to rummage in the bin of old magazines sitting right next to where he’s kneeling.

“It’s not a game,” Brendon defends, “it’s a soon to be fully accepted way of life.  But no, I didn’t take your charger.”  He seems to lose interest in Ryan’s plight because he asks that same inane question again.  “So what do you think, Ross?  Holly, Bridget, or Kendra?”

“I have no idea what that means,” Ryan says, still shifting through the box, and fuck, they have a lot of really useless shit lying around the bus taking up room and creating perfect hiding spots for cell phone chargers.  All he wants is to find his charger so he can get some battery power back and then maybe he’ll focus on trying to convince Brendon to suck him off later.  As if he’ll need to do much convincing.

“Playboy bunnies,” Brendon explains in such a tone that Ryan can practically see Brendon rolling his eyes even though he’s still rifling through old magazines.  “Hugh Hefner’s girlfriends,” he clarifies.  “There’s a Girls Next Door marathon on and it got me thinking.”  He pauses and makes a loud contemplating noise.  “I think I might just be a mix of all three.  Now you, you would be Holly.  Definitely. But only if I were Hef.  Or if you want, you can be Hef and I’ll be your Holly.  But you can’t have a Bridget or Kendra then, so it’s a good thing that I’m all three.”

Ryan groans.  “Why don’t you help me look for my damn charger?!  And why the hell does it matter what playboy bunny you’re most like?”  The charger is definitely not in the box, and Ryan stands to make his way over towards the television thinking that maybe it somehow got over there, but he freezes when he looks up.

He can see the back of Brendon, just from the shoulders up really, sitting on the couch, watching some ridiculous show on the television, and he just stares.  “Are you wearing bunny ears?”  Suddenly he gets the stupid questions.


When Brendon seems to lose interest in the Playboy bunny thing, Ryan is a little relieved.  It’s not that Brendon wearing bunny ears for two hours while trying to learn the “Bunny Hop” is terrible or anything, it’s actually quite funny, but sometimes he likes to pretend that he’s not living on a bus full of insane people, plus, he waves off Ryan’s advances when he tries to lure Brendon to the back of the bus claiming that he needs to perfect his dance moves.  Usually it’s the other way around, Ryan telling Brendon to hold on a little and keep it in his pants, so it’s a little unsettling, and he’s glad when Brendon declares the Playboy bunny period of his life finished.

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