Once Upon A Disney Fic

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Summary: Brendon is a maid in his own home with his ugly stepbrothers and evil stepfather, but dreams that one day he will meet the prince and live happily ever after.

*Includes a ton of Disney song lyrics:D*


Once upon a time, there lived a boy in a far away land. He lived with his widowed mother and he was happy, but she thought that a growing boy needed a father, so she married a man in town who happened to have two sons also. Not long after, the boy’s mother passed away and the boy was left with his stepfather and his two stepbrothers.

So the boy’s stepfather, fueled by jealousy of the boy’s good-looks, forced him into servitude. He became the maid of the household while the stepbrothers ruled over him. It was a boring, unimaginative existence but the boy had dreams that no one could take away.

His room on the top floor had the most beautiful view and he would stare out his window for hours, if he was allowed the time, gazing at the pristine, white castle that took up most of the skyline. He knew Prince Ryan lived there and it was enough to think that maybe he could see him in his little tower room. It was ridiculous, of course, but the boy held onto his hope that one day, he would meet the prince.

Instead, he spent most of his time scrubbing floors and cooking meals for his stepfamily. He didn’t really have any friends since he wasn’t allowed to go into the village much except when his stepbrothers dragged him along to carry their shopping. Otherwise, he remained inside the house, listening to their orders and dreaming of his own future.

This is where the story begins, on a sunny day in Spring when the boy was busy staring out the sitting room window, the broom clutched motionless in his hands as he watched the castle in the distance.

The boy sighed. "Someday my prince will come," he said softly.

"Still living in that fairy tale world, Brendon?" A voice from the doorway had Brendon jumping and turning around. One of his stepbrothers was leaning against the doorframe, a nasty smirk on his face.

Brendon just sighed and glanced wistfully out the window. "You’ll see, Spencer."

Spencer just laughed and pushed himself off the door, coming over to Brendon and slapping his shoulder hard. It was more than just a friendly pat and they both knew it. "Who would want you? You’re a dust-maid."

Another laugh joined Spencer’s as Brendon’s other stepbrother, Jon, entered the room. "Geez, Brendon, who are you kidding? You’ve got soot under your fingernails and coal around your eyes."

"Um, actually, that’s on purpose," Brendon said quietly, smudging the coal around his eyes more.

Jon just rolled his eyes, disgusted. "My point exactly. No prince would want you. He’d want me. I’m much hotter."

"You are not!" Spencer disagreed, glaring at Jon. "He’d totally want me."

"Oh yeah, with that stomach," Jon said, poking Spencer in the little pudge beneath his shirt. Spencer’s mouth fell open.

"I am not fat!"

"No," Jon said condescendingly. "You just have a little extra padding."

"I do not!"

Brendon just shook his head and went back to staring out the window. They argued like this all the time and he’d decided it was best to keep out of it since they always seemed to turn it back on him in the end.

"Fuck, Jon, no prince would ever date someone with the fashion sense you’ve got!" Spencer was looking pointedly at Jon’s shoes.

"And I suppose he likes purple shoes better?" Jon retorted. "Brendon," he said sharply and Brendon nearly dropped the broom. "Who’s hotter?"

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