TL 06

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It's been two days since I received the flowers from the anonymous person. I hesitated whether I want to message this number or not. I will be ungrateful if I didn't say thank you to the person. Will I.

I was curious about death to know who is the person. So, I decided to send a message to the person.

'Thank you for the flowers but who are you'

I click the send button. Not long after that my phone was ringing. I thought it was that person but my mom was calling.

"Hello, daughter." My mom said cheerfully through the phone.

"Hello, omma. How are you?"

"I am fine. What about you, daughter. You must be tired from filming"

"Anieyo, omma. I am fine."

"Sohyun-ah, when are you going to come back to our home. Appa is really missing you and wants to eat dinner with you"

"Maybe tomorrow omma. I also miss you and dad"

"Make sure you come tomorrow."

"Arasso omma. Bye, and I love you so much I ended the call. Maybe it was the right time for me to meet omma. I was really stressed for the past few days.


I ask my manager to send me to my parent house. My mom is making my favorite food which is samgyetang and I eat it deliciously.

"Sohyun-ah, eat the food" My father counsel me. I grinned to him.

"Appa, omma samgyetang is the best. I can't eat slowly"

My father shakes his head. Maybe he think that his daughter didn't eat for few days. After dinner, I watch my drama, The Emperor with my parents. Both of them praises my acting. I was thankful to them. I was nervous thinking that there will be a kiss scene in this episode.

I am nervous to see appa reaction. Why all of the episodes, I have to watch this episode with them. I can't take my eyes off from my appa as the scene was coming close. I can see my father gripped his hand.

"Why are you smiling," He said to me in an annoyed tone.

"Appa..." I grabbed his shoulder and clinging to him. I am making an innocent face.

"Luckily it was acting. You better ask your boyfriend to ask my permission first in real life"

"Promise." I nodded.

After the drama was finished, I was about to leave to my apartment. My mother insists on spending the night here but I can't since the filming starts in the early morning tomorrow. I said goodbyes and hug them.

My manager picked me up at my parent house. In the car, I was a bit sad for leaving them. My phone was beeping signaling a message that I received.

It was from the person last night.

"You're welcome. Sohyun-sshi. By the way, I am Jimin. Nice to meet you."

I gasped when he tells who is he. I didn't reply anything to him since I just want to thank him. A few meters berore reached my apartment, my eyes caught at tteokboki stall along the street. It's been a long time since I eat that tteokboki.

I decided to dropped at the stall to eat some tteokboki. I guess my stomach still have the places left to fill.

"Oppa, you can go home first. I want to eat tteokboki first and then I'll walked home."

"Arraso, but will you be alright?"

"Yes. Since my apartment is nearby, a few steps walked won't hurt me right." I assure my manager

"Okay. Then, take care of yourselves"

I hopped off my car and walked to the stall.

"Ahjumma, one bowl of tteokboki please." I ordered. I was glancing around. There was a park nearby and there are not many people since it's late at night.

From my eyes, I can see a man wearing a black hoodie with a cap enjoying the tteokboki. I am mouthwatering of seeing his tteokboki.

"Here is your tteokboki Ahgassi" The ahjumma hand me my tteokboki. I enjoyed eating my tteokboki. In a blink of eyes, I have finished my tteokboki.

I reached my pocket at the back to take my wallet. But, no!.

"Where is my wallet?" I searched all of my pockets but there is no sign of the wallet. I was anxious seeing the ahjumma waiting for her money. Oh my goodness, I left my wallet on the car. That's the consequences of being too excited about eating tteokboki.

"Here the money. " Some man give the money to Ahjumma. He was paying his tteokboki and mine. I didn't recognized him at first but when he turned to me and then I saw his face. It was Taehyung.

He smiled at me. And I smile at him awkwardly. Why him out of all people.

"You're sure to have a disease forgetting your wallet." My smile faded away. When I think about it he is the one who found my wallet at the store last week.

"Thank you. But I'll sure to pay it".

"No need cause it won't affect at me after all" Why did his words are so irritated.

I say thank you once again and I hurriedly left away since he didn't want the money. He grabbed my hand as I was about to left.

"Wait, where are you going after I helped you?"

"I want to go home"

"That is not a nice behavior to talked to the person who helped you" What's wrong with this human. Better he didn't help me at all.

"I'm sorry but I want to go home."


"Did you see anybody here?"

"No.. I'm not." He grinned

"Let me walk you home" He added.

"No need because I didn't want to owe anything to you." I just walked away.

He hurriedly followed me from behind. He trying to talk to me but I just ignored him. He walked me until we reached my apartment. I faced him and say thank you to him. I was grateful towards him because he pays my food and walked me home. Truthfully, I was scared to walk alone because of many things happened at night.

"You're welcome". Ohh he know to say welcome. I thought he only know to irritate me with his words.

He snatched my phone from my hand. Unfortunately, my hand was on my back at that time. It looks like he was hugging me. I was surprised.

He types his number phone and call. After his phone was ringing, he ended the call and return the phone to me.

"Call me." He walked away and waves at me.

He is something.

To be continued...


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