TL 24

608 31 3

My father, Kim owns a telco company. He was accused of bribing the Minister of Communication to make sure that his company wins the tender to supplies network. Today, my mother and me went to our family lawyer's office to hear an explanation about my father's case.

I gasped after I heard the explanation from Mr Park. I got scared as well if my father will rot in jail. Bribery is a serious crime. My mother who sit beside me was nearly faint. I tried to calm her down by tapping his back.

"It's gonna be alright omma" I said to her.

"Mr. Park, can we bail my husband out of the jail while waiting for his hearing" Mom try to find a solution. I bet she can't bear to see Appa in the police station.

"That's a bit hard case. We can't bail him out unless the person who made the report retract it" I was a terribly sad we can't bail appa out.

After that, in the evening we went to see appa at the police station. The situation is still the same. Oh gosh, when will all of this end. Can we really see the end of it.


It's like 2 a.m. in the morning and I am still stuck in the practice room. I've distraught do much doing our group dance practice earlier till I was scold by our trainer. Hence, I've decided to stay after all of the members went back to our apartment.

At this time, I want to sharpen my dance since there will not much time till our comeback. But, in the end I just keep peeking and looking at my phone. I couldn't help but to browse the internet to see the update of her.

I am so worried about her since all of the comment by the netizens is bad about her. Will she be fine? If she is having a hard time, will there be someone to help and comfort her.

I heard about the news this morning about her father. Her father was caught by the police yesterday but I only know today. What a fool. Is her father really did that? Whether he did or not, I am sure that there's reason behind it.

I keep looking at Sohyun's number on my phone. I want to call her to ask how is she doing but I didn't have the courage yet. Things in the past makes me afraid to call her. Besides I didn't want to add her stress.

Without realizing how many hours passed I keep staring at the phone, I was fell asleep with the phone in my hands. At the 6.20 a.m. in the morning, I wake up and found myself in this dark practice room. My mind is still hanging around her.

Grandfather. Yes, grandfather.

I quickly went out of the practice room and went to my grandfather's. I text Namjoon hyung that I'll be late for this morning.

The next few days...

"Omma!! Omma!!"

I walked down the stairs to reach my mother's quickly in the kitchen. She is busy preaparing a dish to take to father's.

"What's wrong Sohyun-ah."

"The police call and he'd like to talk with you." I handed the phone to omma. I hope I will hear a good news.

On top of that, I am also surprised when the police call while I am preaparing to dress up myself in order to take omma to the police station.

"Yes, I am Mrs Kim. Why Mr police?" I look at mother attentively while she speaking.

"Really?? Thank you so much Mr Police" There is a big smile on omma's face.

"Why omma?" I ask in excitement as soon as my omma ends the call.

"Sohyun-ah, your appa has been released today"

"Ommo..really omma?!" I ask in disbelief.

"Yes. The police told me just now."

"Thank goodness." I am beyond happy and I didn't realized I dropped a tear.

We hugging each other. We didn't expect that today will be the last day we'll go to police station and we'll bringing Appa home.

To be continued

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