TL 08

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I've decided to be his fake girlfriend for a while after for the sake of both our company. It would've been weird if I suddenly denied. So, Sohyun-ah, please hang in for a while. It won't be long. I assure myself.

Today is the last day for the filming of The Emperror. The drama was a succesful. I am happy that many people loved this drama. I have to attend the wrap up party tonight.


I greet all the cast and crew after I arrived at the venue of the party. There were some reporter at the party.

"How's your feeling about the drama comes to the end?"

"I felt so happy that many people loved this drama yet I am so sad to part ways with awesome cast and crew. They all are like family to me" I smiled

"What about your boyfriend said about your drama" I see this coming but I am not reply to it.

"This is personal matter. Thank you" I bowed to them.

We did a cheer to celebrate our drama.

"Congratulations everyone" the director said.

"Thank you for the hard work" Seung Ho oppa added.

"Also, congratulations to our Sohyunnie for her dafing news." The writer said teasing me. I just smiled at them.

We spent a few hours eating and drinking. We've released some stress by karaoke.

"So, you loved him?" Seung ho oppa ask me after he sit behind me.

"Who?" I asked nonchalantly.

"V... " Ohh. I am sicked enough to hear many question about him. If only I could tell anyone that I am not dating him. But I can't. Im fact, we didn't contact at all after the meeting at the cafe.

"I think...Yes. maybe?"

"Maybe. I guess he is the reason why you reject my confession"

"Oppa, how many times did I tell you that we don't want to talk about it. Besides, I think of you as my."

"" He added.

"You've already know it, right?." He was once confess his feeling to me after few weeks we start filming. I refused his feeling but luckily I managed to stay professional to act with him.

"I am tired, oppa. I'll go home first. Okay." He nodded toe. I get up and say goodbye to other cast and crew. They were all surprised when I said I want to go home first. I am tired.


Why haven't she reply to me. It's been many days, I text her she doesn't reply and when I call her, it goes to mailbox. Jennie-ah, why did you do this to me? Don't you understand me?.

I was stressed so I decided to went for a drink with the members.

"Stop it. You've been drinking a lot already." Namjoon hyung stopped me when I want to drink another glass of soju.

"Hyung, few more drinks? Can I?" I asked.

"No Taehyung-ah. Stop thinking about her."Suga hyung added. Jungkook and the rest of the members looked at me pitifully.

I passed out at the restaurant. Luckily the members bring me home.

It's morning. I am so lazy to go for practice. But I know I can't beeing like this.

I went for a shower. I went for a dance practice since our comeback is coming nearer. We have finished recording all the songs.

I take a break for a moment. I take my phone and decided to call Sohyun. It's been a while since I heard from her.

After a few seconds ringing, the call is answered. But why did I hear a male voice? Is my 'girlfriend' cheating on me?


"Who is this?" I asked.

"I am Sohyun manager"

"Ohh, where are Sohyun now" I feel relieved.

"She is in the toilet. We are at the airport now."

"What?? Airport?? Where are she going?"

"She have a fanmeeting in Busan"

I gasped. But wait...

To be continued...


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