TL 38

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After going back from Japan, I was counting days till our 100th day together. I know it is lame but I still want to celebrate with him. Since it was at the end of December, I thought I want to celebrate the New Year eve earlier.

Thought on I didn't get to see him on the New Year Eve because he had music festivals to attend on the 31st December and 1st January.

After Taehyung picking me up at my apartment now, we are in the boarding lounge at the Gimpo Airport. Now there 30 minutes left till boarding we are going to Jeju Island.

"Dear passenger who are boarding the A173 Korean Air to the Jeju, please board in now." That was the announcement for our flight.

Taehyung who is wearing a full black clothes with a mask on his face stand up, "Let's go". His hand reached for mine.

"Let's have fun" I grabbed his hands and my other hand slings my handbag.

The reason that we picked Jeju island is we didn't afford to have long days off and it will be not worth going oversea. The Jeju Island itself is beautiful and we gonna spend only two days and one night in Jeju.

In an hour, the plane is arrived at the Jeju Airport. We were going to Jeju just two of us. So, we gonna handle the whole process. After picking our suitcase, we are headed to the hotel by the car that Taehyung rent.

"Oppa, what should we do today?" In the car, I ask him while taking off my mask and caps.

"We gonna have lunch and after that, we're gonna do horse riding?" He answer while taking glances at me before his eyes continue to fixed on the roads.

"In this cold weather?"

"Yes. It should be okay as long as it didn't snow."


The hotel is far away from the airport. Then, I didn't realize when did I sleep. Taehyung woke me up as soon as we reached the hotel.

After our lunch at the hotel, we make our way to the stable horse. The weather is siding with us today.

Although it's still cold but the sun is rise shiningly. It allow us to do the horseback riding.

"Come here, let's us teach you first on how to ride the horse." The instructor ask us to came closer as he told us the steps one by one.

We both listened to the instructor attentively. The instructor pulls the horse near me and it is neighing.

"Oppa, I am scared." I take a step away from the horse since I was startled.

"It's okay. You need to be a friend with him. Try patting its back." Taehyung pushe towards the horse and grab my hands to pat the horse.

"This is the hat that you'll be wearing." The instructor gave us the two hat.

Taehyung takes it and easily wears it. Meanwhile I am struggling with the hat.

Taehyung tooks the hat from my hand and put it on my head. "You can't do this much?". He tighten the string on the side of my face.

"Aigoo, it's okay. You are here right?" I grinned at him.

I hop on the horse first and he ride his. He is riding the horse well meanwhile I need someone to push the horse. I am trembling on the horse.

"Are you going to be okay?" Taehyung ask me.

"Sure. I'll be fine." Maybe not. I am still scared of this horse.

"Ahjussi, can you take my horse to the stable?" He said as he went down from the horse.

"Sure." He pass the ropes of my horse to Taehyung. The ahjussi rides the horse back to the stable.

"What are you doing?" I ask in gasped at Taehyung who rides my horse behind my back.

"Stay still. I am so frustrated looking on how you rides the horse?" He hands wrapped around my waist and then pulls the ropes. It finally feels like I ride a horse.

"Why should you?"

"I pitying that old ahjussi. He need to wall around this cable because of you" He nagging at me.

"That's the function why we pay him, right?" I won't get lose to him.

"Why need to pay while you have me, for free." Seriously, I can't win with this guys words.

The horse is getting faster and I felt safe with him behind my back now.

"Where did you learn to ride the horse?"

"When I am filming for hwarang."

"I thought you didn't have any riding horse scene?"

"Wow babe, are you watching my drama?"

"Forget it." Kim Taehyung, you are being proud again. I watched the drama that time because I have a crush on Park Seojun. Not you, Kim Taehyung.

"I learned it because it appeals to me."

After two rounds, I stopped riding the horse because it takes too much for me. After that, Taehyung enjoyed his solo horse ride around the stable.

I became a photographer to capture this precious moment. I laugh and smile watching him being like a kid on that horse. His smile was so pure.

To be continued.

Have you guys watched Love Alarm? It's so good. Kim Jojo for Life.

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