TL 49

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"Sohyun ah!!"

I turned around after realizing someone is calling for me. I fixed my gazes towards him and my family was puzzled seeing I am turning back.

It was Jimin. He was running towards me with a box in his hands.

"Sohyun ah, you're going to board the flight now?" He ask me and I nodded at his question.

"Oppa, what are you doing here?" I am still being friendly towards him no matter what happens.

"I am going to say my last goodbye." He pulls his right hand out of her pocket.

"Sohyun ah, please take care of yourself and study hard there." He smiles then, "...Also, I am sorry on behalf him for what happens. I know I am in no place to say that, but that's the least I can do for him."

"Thank you oppa. It's okay." I smiled at him.

"Here." He handed me the box.

"What is this?" I take the box and looked at it puzzled.

"It's a present for you. Take care."

That's what Jimin said for his last goodbye. I gladly take the box and getting ready for my plane.

It was a long flight. I am happy yet sad to leave my family behind. I am going to start a new life there with only joy.

Two months later,

"Alright, the class for today is finished." Says the professor.

"Thank you, professor." All of the student said that.

I took off my spectacles and put it in the box. I packs all of my statiomery and books as soom as the class is finished.

I have a lot of assignments and things to do. I am geting busier since my first theatre perfomance in University will be hold next week.

I slings my bag and walked out of the classroom. I put on my earphone and put it on high volume.

Suddenly, there is someone startled me from behind and put her hand on my shoulder. She take out the earphone on my left ears and shouted, "Hey, are you listening to me?"

She was Rachel or her full name is Yoo Rachel. She is my bestfriend here since I was comfortable here. Her late father is a Korean, so she know how to speak Korean a little.

"How can I hear you?" I turned off the music.

"Yes, since you plucked your ears with that earphone, I called you from the class, you didn't even listen to me."

"Is that so? Then, I am sorry." I pouted at her.

"Let's go have drinks tonight. Yoh know what? That two guy from the Sports Department asking us for a blind date." She said excitedly.

"You go yourself. I am not interested."

"Sohyun ah, let's go have fun. Only for tonight, yes?"

I shooked my head. "I have a lot of things to do. You go, enjoy yourself and for me as well. I got to go."

I quickly left her before she becomes more clingy. Besides, I don't like the atmosphere in clubs in this California. Not as fun as Korea one.

I took the bus and going back to my apartment which my company provides for me. I stayed alone yet I didn't bother with it.

The bus is finally arrived and I hop into the bus. I searched for a seat beside the window and luckily I found one at the back.

I opened the window as I enjoy the breeze in California so much. Then, my mind is thinking about my parent in Korea. Gosh I missed them. I am always video called them to update what am I doing here.

Am I happy staying here? Yes absolutely, it was the best decision that I make. I didn't have any doubt.

Soon, I reached at my apartment complex. I went into my bedroom and have a quick shower. After that, I continued to do my assignment and having dinner late at night with a ramyun.

Although I am in California, LA, I am not missing any single news from Korea. Yoojung always update me what happen in Korea.

I can't be run away from seeing him since he is a global top star. There is always him and his group on headline news. I didn't bother a single thing about it.

As I about to finish my ramyun, there is one news that caught my attention. It was about him.

"The lawsuit between BTS's V and a saesang fan, Miss Park is finally settled down."

From the news, Miss Park is found guilty of stalking him and trespassing his apartment and sentence 5 years in jail.

What is going on?


"Can you slow down the music? I can't focus." I yelled at Rachel who is in the garden with me doing our group project.

"Why are you so angry whenever I played my BTS's song? Can't you let me hear their song in peace?" Rachel said as she turned down the volume.

"Their song are so loud. I didn't like it." My eyes are still fixed on my laptop.

"How the hell did I end up friends with my boy's hater?" She is sighing.

"Rachel, I'll got to go first." I packed my things as soon as I realized it's already 11 a.m. How can I forget my rehearsal for next week perfomance.

"Don't forget to come over at my place tomorrow." I yelled at her after I walked a few steps away from her. Rachel only smiled at wave at me.

Tomorrow is our off day and still, we have to finished those assignment.

To be continued.

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