TL 32

608 35 5


I am so excited as today I am going to hike with my Taehyung at the Namsan Hill. I packed some food for our lunch later.

I woke up at 6 a.m. and starts make kimbap, egg rolls, beans and some fruits. Taehyung totally misunderstand me when I said I am going to Namsan.

He was so cute when he blurred the moment I told him we're going for hiking.

We had so much fun along the journey. We talk, joke and laugh together in the car.

Without realizing it, we had safely arrived in the Namsan Park. Taehyung parked his car and we both get out of the car.

As expected, there isn't many people here. Mostly the youngsters in school or works right now. There are a few old people here hiking.

"Babe, your bag!" He said as he take my bag out of the behind seat.

"Do we need to carrying this while hiking?" He is whinning a lot lately.

"Of course! There is a lot of tgings inside here that we're gonna use later. That's the basic things for hiking." I feel like a senior lecturing my junior right now.

Then, Taehyung is making that face again. As I can't stand watching his face like that, I quickly take my bag and carry it.

I shoved my steps towards some stall there. But then, suddenly Taehyung stops me and take my bag.

"Let me carry it. I am just joking right now" He is sure afraid of me sulking with him.

"That's my boyfriend, Taetae." I pat his shoulder.

"You need to know that you are lucky having me as your boyfriend"

"Of course I know, oppa. Shouldn't we buy some sikhye?" Sikhye is a necessities when I am hiking.

He just nodded at it and buy two bottles of Sikhye at the stall. He put that bottles inside my bag. Is getting heavier. Oh no!! Cheer up my Taehyung.

We start to hiking with me as a lead. This hill is easier to climb because there is a path already. I had so much fun while hiking and also teasing Taehyung.

He is gasping for breath too much. Poor you, Taehyung.

"Oppa!Are you okay? Shouldn't I am the one who slings that backpack now?"

"No. It's okay. Oppa is strong!" He said cheerfully.

"Cheer up oppa. 2 kilometres more and we'll reach the top!" I pointed my finger to the signboard saging there is 2km left.

Taehyung was shook his head in disbelief. What 2km? I just laughing at his reaction. He is so cute.

"Taehyung oppa, fighting! You'll get rewarded later" I shouted.

"Ohh, I am expecting that" He grinned.

Few minutes later and we reached the peak. There is already a group of ahjumma at the peak. I just laugh when I see Taehyung catching up his breath.

"What is this Kim Taehyung? Are you already tired? Look at those ahjummas." I pointed at the ahjumma.

"Yah Kim Sohyun! I carry your heavy bag right?"


I left him for a while and enjoying the scenery at the top. It was so beautiful breathtaking. It's like a paint with many shades of green.

Meanwhile, Taehyung turns into a professional photographer with his camera. I was staring at him all time till I didn't realized that his lense is focusing at me right now. It was so sudden.

"Sohyun ah, you looks funny here" He laugh while showing me the picture that his take.

In that picture, I was gasping and my eyes were totally rolled out. It looks so weird.

"Delete that right now!" I demanded him.

"I don't want." He running away with his camera in his hand. I chase him right away.

He runs fast till I can't catch up him. Suddenly he turns back to me and open his arm. I couldn't control my speed as results I bumped into his embrace.

"You'll must be like me so much till you chase me just for a hug." He said while buried his face to the crook of my neck.

"What are you doing oppa? There are elders here." It's seem not nice when the elders are looking here.

"Oh really?" He turns his face facing me. I stares at his glowing eyes while his arm is still wrapped my waist.

"But babe, where is my reward?" He asking for his reward now.

He is leaning closer to my face slowly and going for a kiss. Is he think that is the reward. Before his lips reached mine, my hands managed to stop him first.

"What is this?" I chuckles seeing his raction. I take a step away from him and ready to present him his reward.

"Oppa! This beautiful nature is your reward. Where else you can see this breathtaking views. Not in Seoul or youtube but only here." I gigling at myself.

"What the..." He in disbelief state. I laugh even more seeing him is being played. Not exactly being played though.

"Enough of this." He stompped towards where I put my bagpack. He seems sulky.

"Don't you like my reward?" I sit beside him on the grass.

"No, I like it very much." He pressured the words very.

I pulls my bag and open it. I took a mat and stretch out it.

"Oppa, come and sit here." I trying to divert his attention to the next part which is lunch. It's already 1.00 p.m.

He barely let out words and he just sit in front of me on the mat. I bring out the doshirak (lunch boxes) that I made this morning.

Yes!! I know I have managed to grab his attention as soon as I saw his widen eyes locked on the doshirak. You better not being sulky anymore or else you can't get eat a single of it.

I opened the box and it shows the pncakes, kimbaps and sausages. I feel proud of myself.

"Oppa, eat this" I feed him a piece of kimbap.

"Is it delicious?" I ask him with starry eyes and waiting him to gulp down the kimbap to know his answer.

"Hmm..delicious." I smiled at his answer.

He then grabbed his pair if chopstick to eat on his own. I also eat the sausages.

"But, when did you have the time to buy all of this?" He said while eat another kimbap

My smile faded away as soon as he said that. What Kim Taehyung??

"Buy????" I said loudly to him and he just nodded at it without any feelings. This guy really asks for my beating.

"I made it myself, you know! Be grateful, can't you?" He laughs at my answer. Suddenly I felt anger rising in my body.

"Yea! Yea!! Kim Sohyun ssi. I know." He adds.

To be continued.

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