Q&A Replies

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Here are the replies to the questions!!


Q: 2 qualities and 2 defects about (Y/n)
A: Qualities: He's a good listener, he's loving. Defects: He over thinks, lets negative things get to him.

Q: How are you so perfect?
A: I dunno. I'm just me

Q: What did you see in (Y/n) that made you fall in love with him?
A: His happiness, his kindness, his loving and compassionate side. Him overall.


Q: How do you feel having this incredible man beside you?
A: I feel happy again. I feel whole

Q: How was your first time with Tae on a scale of 1-10?
A: Solid 10

Q: Do you like pastel colored things?
A: Yes


Q: Hey jen ik you don't like (Y/n) that much but how come you can't date someone other than Tae?
A: I don't know. Why can't you understand that Tae is mine?

Q: Can you please transfer to hell?
A: I'm already there

Q: Is your name school cause I wanna burn you
A: My name is Jennie

Q: why can't you just move on and stop harassing (Y/n)? Is your cunt really that itchy? And will you stop dragging kookie into this?
A: first of not gonna happen. Imma get what I want.  Second yes. Third I never dragged him. He gave consent


Q: Name a celebrity crush you would go gay for.
A: well I'm bi and I would go for Selena Gomez


Q: want a pancake...? Uwu
A: aww ofc

Wendy(Jennies friend)

Q: aren't you tired of Jennie's bs?
A: nah still love that bitch


Q: pastel goth or baby pastel?
A: baby pastel


Q: I used to like you but your fake
A: oh well

Q: y u siding Jennie? Can't you like black mail her ass?!
A: no

Q: Dude I trusted you. But your plastic, fake, shine, cold, plastic( you get da reference) I'm sorry kookie
A: uhm what


Q: what's your greatest desire?
A: nothing just nothing

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