Chapter 4 (Noah)

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It's 2:26am, and I'm lying in my bed staring into the dark above me, wishing I brought some fucking earplugs here with me. 

Zach inevitably ended up hitting on some girl in the club, and they took off together before we were even able to track down Will. So John and I finally found Will in the club, but he had a girl hanging off of him too. John and I had a few more drinks, talked about cars, then we left. I had to bat a few girls away from me while I was talking to John. I don't think hanging around with a guy like John is gonna make staying away from girls for a while very easy. Seriously, it's like they were comparing the two of us or something. None of the girls that came up to us were interested in him, just me. I could have taken any one of them in the bathroom in the fucking club, but clearly, I didn't. Since I am now home alone, cursing my sensible decisions and wishing I'd just left the club with one of those fucking desperate girls. 

Will took some girl back to our dorm. Which is fine, I don't care about that, he can screw whoever he wants. I wasn't so different from him until now. But I'm struggling to remember why I don't wanna fuck around with girls anymore. I got home before him - he'd been working this girl all night. I don't know why he was trying so hard, she was obviously interested in him. I guess he enjoys the chase. I always hated that part. Pretending to laugh at stupid jokes, nodding my head and acting like I'm interested in stupid stories about cheer camp or some shit, wasting my money buying drinks for girls I don't even like. See, this right here is my problem. I should never have done those things. I should have waited and slept with a girl that I actually liked. Well, I have slept with one girl I actually liked. In fact, I lost my virginity to a girl I actually liked. She's the only girl I've slept with that hasn't been with Walker, Zach and/or Adrian too. So that's one, at least. But ever since then, I just wanted to have sex, without much regard for who I was having it with. I like having sex, none of the rest of it. But I guess Will enjoys putting in the work. 

I heard him crashing into the dorm drunk about twenty minutes ago, and I knew he wasn't alone. I could hear them talking and laughing, then things went quiet and I thought they'd made their way into his bedroom. I thought the coast was clear, so I got up to go try and find my headphones (some of my stuff is still laying in the kitchen) so I could listen to music in bed and try to drown out the noise I knew Will's guest was gonna be making soon. Well, you can imagine my surprise when I walked into the kitchen and found a little blonde thing sitting on my kitchen table wearing nothing but a pink lace thong and matching bra, leaning back on her elbows with her legs spread and her feet resting on the table. I'm a red blooded male, so I guess I did stare for a couple of seconds, I mean she wasn't leaving much to the imagination. But imagine my surprise when the girl licked her lips, raised her eyebrows at me and said "I was expecting your roommate, but you are definitely an upgrade." before sitting up, unclasping her pink bra and throwing it at me. I could feel the blood rushing to my dick, and I was only wearing boxers. So I just turned round and walked back into my room, got back into my bed, and willed my semi to stop. I didn't wanna lay in bed with a fucking boner, listening to my roommate fuck some girl. Being able to picture exactly how she would look being fucked, did not help. I've seen her wearing nothing but a thong. All I would need to do is slide the thin material over to the side, and that would be it...

These types of thoughts are not helping. I can't sleep, and I can't think about anything else. She's moaning so loud, and she keeps shouting Will's name. I wonder how much louder she'd be if she were with me. She'd be screaming by now. For fuck sake, this is not helping at all. Okay, I need to think about something else. I really need to sleep, but I just can't. I'm smothering myself with one of my pillows, desperate to drown the noise out. I don't wanna risk going to look for my headphones now in case they hear me. The girl doesn't seem shy at all, she might come out of Will's room butt naked and ask me to join them or something. No, my bedroom door is staying firmly locked. 

I need to focus on something else. What am I doing tomorrow? I have classes, obviously. Oh yeah, Will, right there! I have English Literature again tomorrow afternoon. That means I'll see Jamie Hawkins again. Great. She'll probably wanna sit next to me so we can talk about Pride and Prejudice (which I have checked out of the library now, it's sitting on my bedside table, just waiting to be read) Lift my legs up, yeah, like that, oh, sorry! Ugh, I hope she kicked him in the face. I knew she'd need to ask him to do that. Girls fucking love it when you rest their feet on your shoulders. It's the angle, it's absolutely perfect for hitting them where they want it. No, I'm not thinking about this. So, Jamie Hawkins. I'll see her again tomorrow, which is good. It gives me another opportunity to act like a douche in front of her. Harder, please, I'm so close! Oh god, Will! She's lying. She is totally faking it. Should I completely ignore Jamie, and see if she talks to me first? No, I should talk to her. I need to let her know that her 'friend' Jay didn't phase me tonight. That guy is clearly in love with her. So if I back off from her, she might think I am aware that she has something going on with that Jay guy. Even if she did insist that they were platonic. I'm not an idiot, he looked like he wanted to punch me. Which kinda worries me. What has she said about me? Bad things? Good things? He obviously thinks I'm a threat. Whatever, his feelings for Jamie are none of my concern. I'll be neutrally cold towards her tomorrow. I need to make sure she stays away from me, because I need to stay away from her. She looked fucking incredible tonight, my jaw almost hit the floor when I noticed her sitting with her friends, dressed like that... I haven't heard Will and his fuckbuddy in a minute, I guess they're done. Great, I am fucking exhausted and I need to try sleep. Yeah, and I need to keep my distance from Jamie. God knows what could happen with her. I think she could like me, if I were nice to her. And I can't have that. I'm so drawn to her as it is, who knows what would happen if we were actually friendly towards one another. She might show up here, take her clothes off, jump up onto the kitchen table and undo her bra clasp... I can't picture how that would look, but I really want to. I can imagine. Would I be able to turn around and walk away from that? I know I wouldn't. I would walk over to the table, help her out of her bra, pick her up by her thighs and carry her through to my bedroom... Or would I slide her underwear off right there on the kitchen table. So many possibilities...

I wake up at around 4 am. I am so fucking hot, I'll probably need to change my sheets in the morning. I have a raging hard on, thanks to the filthy dreams I was having. I haven't done it in a while. Maybe staying away from girls I don't like isn't gonna be such a good idea after all. I need an outlet for this. 

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