Chapter 36 (Noah)

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I wake up with a start, and curse myself for falling asleep in the first place. I need to get the fuck out of here, now.

I move off of the bed as quietly as possible, while picking up the smooth, porcelain arm that was draped around my waist and placing it down on to the mattress. I don't know this girl's name, and I don't care, she was up for it, and that's all that matters.

I dress in complete silence, and make my way out into the dark living room / kitchen to retrieve my shoes, my shirt and my belt (she wasted no time taking my clothes off when we got back here). I open the front door to the suite slowly, checking to make sure the latch is on so that it'll lock behind me again, and leave this random girls dorm without looking back.

It's still dark, because it's barely 4 o clock in the morning. My own dorm building is only a few over, I'll be in my own bed in no time. Hopefully Will doesn't have any company tonight, I need some peace and quiet. I need some time to myself, to process all the shitty decisions I've made tonight. All because of one girl. Jamie fucking Hawkins.

After our little chat in the hallway outside the bathroom, I was fucking shaken. Yes, I went there with a purpose, but I underestimate the effect she has on me. I know I have an effect on her, I just need to remember that it isn't a one-sided thing. She effects me right back, and when she told me she wants me to make her cum, and she said my name, I was so close to pushing her back into the bathroom and doing just that. But I couldn't, I can't. I was only trying to shake her up, to stop her going home with tall, dark, tattoo guy. And it didn't even fucking work.

As soon as I composed myself and headed back into the main floor of the Grill, I saw Jamie practically running out back, holding what's his face by the hand, pulling him along behind her. And I felt like a fucking idiot, because my plan completely backfired. I turned her on, then sent her running into his arms.

So, without a moment's hesitation, I made a move on the first girl that looked at me in that certain way, that way that lets me know she likes what she sees, and maybe she'd be down for having some sex. And she was. And I just left her dorm barely 10 minutes ago.

When I get in, my dorm is quiet. No sign of Will. So I head straight for my room and collapse onto my bed, not even taking my shoes off. I should feel satisfied right now. I was coming down that girls throat barely 4 hours ago, then coming inside her (with a condom, of course) barely 3 hours ago. I should feel sated and relaxed. Not jumpy and...guilty? Why the hell do I feel guilty? I have nothing to feel guilty about. Is it the fact that I've slept with yet another random girl, only 3 weeks into my new life as a college student. Or is it the fact that I'm fucking with Jamie, and I know I am, that's making me feel this way?

Fuck if I know. I just know that I hate this feeling. It needs to stop. And in this moment, the only conceivable option I have is blatantly fucking obvious. It's what I should have done 2 weeks ago.

So what if I need to write an English paper with her. She needs to get it done just as much as I do. We both have the exact same thing at stake here, a grade. It is not that big a deal. Put English Lit aside, and Jamie is just another girl that makes my cock throb every time she bites down on her bottom lip. There's only one way I can get past this, and there's nothing holding me back anymore. Fuck my reservations, and fuck being a decent guy.

I need to fuck Jamie Hawkins.

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