Chapter 27 (Noah)

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"You're actually going on a date tonight?" I ask Will again, because I still don't believe him.

"Yes, Noah, I am. Why is it so hard to believe?" He replies from where he's sitting on the couch, flipping through the TV channels.

I'm just back from a run, so I'm about to take a shower. Zach asked me if I wanna go to Jay Montgomery's place with him and John tonight. I was about to ask Will to join us, but when I asked him if he has any plans, he said he's taking some girl on a date. I'm a little shocked. Dating doesn't seem like his style.

"So, where are you taking this girl?" I ask, leaning against the door frame holding my towel.

"The movies, duh." He says, without turning to look at me. "That's standard first date protocol."

I wouldn't know. "Well, have fun, I guess."

"I'm sure I will." He says dismissively. "What are you doing? Hanging with Zach and John?"

"Yeah, and Aubrey and Kim." I choose not to mention Jamie. I don't want him giving me shit about her.

"Wow, fifth wheel much?" He says, putting his feet up on the coffee table. He's finally settled on a show to watch.

I don't bother responding to him, I head through to the bathroom and turn the shower on. It's totally fine for me to go over to Jay Montgomery's place tonight. It's not like there's anything going on between me and Jamie. Things have been cool between us this week. After fooling around with her, and telling her about how I used to fool around with girls a lot, I think we're in a good place. She's so cool. She didn't judge me at all, and we've been getting along really well. I can hang out with her and her friends tonight. It's not weird at all. I get into the shower.

Or, is it a little weird? I mean, John and Zach are gonna be working Aubrey and Kim tonight. I know they think I like Jamie, as more than a friend. And I do get along with her really well now. And I am still insanely attracted to her. And of all the people that are gonna be at Jay's house tonight, she is definitely the person I'd wanna spend most of my time talking to.

Fuck, maybe this isn't such a good idea after all. Spending time hanging out with her like that could suggest something. It could suggest that I do like her. It could totally give everyone the wrong idea. I mean, I do tend to smile and laugh more than I usually do when I'm around her. Shit, I can't go over to her best friends house and drink with her tonight. No, I need to get out of this.

I don't need to get out of it though, there's nothing to get out of. I'll just tell Zach I'm not going. Easy. Even though I do want to go. No, I'm not going.

I get out of the shower and head through to my room. I pick up my phone and text Zach to tell him I changed my mind. As expected, he replies immediately asking me why. So, I send a text to Stefan asking what he's up to tonight. He's cool, and I wouldn't mind going for a drink with him if he's free. He replies telling me that he doesn't have plans, but he asks if I wanna go to the Grill with him and some other guys from the Track Team. Awesome. I text Zach to tell him that I'm going out with some guys from the Track Team. I text Stefan and tell him it sounds like a plan.

I toss my phone down onto my bed and sigh. I wonder how the guys from the Track Team feel about hooking up. I don't really care how they feel about it, though. If the opportunity presents itself tonight, I am seizing it. No brunettes, though. Blondes only.

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