Chapter 20

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"Seriously, you two. It's barely 8 o'clock in the morning. On a fucking Saturday."

I drop down next to Patrick on one of the sofas in my garage. Jay is fully occupying the other sofa, feet up, laying down, one arm draped over his eyes. He doesn't acknowledge my comment, much less my presence, and Patrick just laughs. 

"Like I said, I needed to get away from Joel." Patrick explains. 

"And you?" I raise my eyebrows at Jay, but he doesn't move an inch.

"J1!" Patrick yells at him, before throwing a cushion at him. He groans and bats the cushion away with the arms that was covering his face. His eyes are open, so I know he's awake. 

"Lay the fuck off of me, I didn't get much sleep last night." He turns his body around so that he's facing the back on the sofa, rather than us. 

"Right, and you didn't even get laid." Patrick scoffs. "Why are you so lame?"

"Fuck off, you didn't get laid last night either." Jay mumbles into the couch. 

"Yeah, through my own restraint and willpower." Patrick says proudly. "I had plenty of offers, but Wasted Joel came first last night." 

"For a change." I grin at Patrick and he nudges me with his elbow playfully. It isn't like him to pass up an opportunity for sex, but when it comes to taking care of his best friend, of course he'll prioritise Joel. 

"So what happened with Ronnie, dude?" I ask Jay neutrally. "Why all the cuddling? Why no banging?"

"I don't wanna talk about it." Jay mumbles, still not turning to face us. I eye Patrick suspiciously and he rolls his eyes at me.

"That's all I've been able to get out of him too." Patrick informs me. "We'll return to the subject later, when he's done wallowing in self pity." 

"Man up, Jay." I yell over to him. He completely ignores me. 

"So, what about that Noah guy, then?" Patrick fully turns his attention to me now. "We know Jay's night with Ronnie was a total bust, and I went home with Joel. Come on, Jame. Don't let me down."

I roll my eyes and chuckle. Typical Patrick. Living vicariously through our sex lives is one of his favourite hobbies. I think it amuses him. Probably because he knows the action we get is no where near as filthy as what he gets up to himself. He never gives us much details about his hookups, for that reason I think. But, I'm not shy. I don't mind telling the guys about what I get up to.

"Well." I straighten up and cross my legs on the sofa, preparing to tell the tale of my night with Noah. "He walked me home from the club, he kissed me on the front porch so I invited him in. He got a little weird about it though, saying he didn't wanna make things awkward between us cause we're gonna be working together. So, I accepted that nothing was gonna happen and told him he could crash in the guest room because he didn't know how to get back to the dorms. But, one thing lead to another... We didn't sleep together, but we did fool around for a while. And that's it."

Jay suddenly sits up and turns to face me, I knew he was listening. "What the fuck? He stayed here last night?"

"Yeah," I tell him casually, "he just left."

Jay looks at Patrick in disbelief. "They were having coffee when I went upstairs just now." Patrick shrugs his shoulders.

"Well you could have mentioned that!" Jay shouts at Patrick. "I could have had a talk with him."

"Uh, about what?" I ask Jay.

"About whatever his intentions are with you, obviously!" Jay tells at me. I roll my eyes at him.

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