Chapter 6

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It's Thursday night, and I am practically bouncing off the walls. The guys have told me to calm down like ten times already, but I don't care, I'm too excited. It's our first time playing at the Grill Open Mic, this is a fucking huge deal!

Were riding over to The Grill in Jays van with all our instruments in the back. The guys are dressed in their usual attire, but I do notice Jay has tried to tame his hair. I don't know why, it looks better messy. I'm wearing a black leather skirt, black boots and a charcoal top, complimented by a black VANS hoodie that used to belong to Patrick (it's mine now). I put a little more effort than usual in, but I wanted to wear the hoodie to make sure I still felt comfortable. My eye makeup is dark, and I'm wearing my favourite lipstick. Tonight is gonna rock.

I reach over and ruffle up Jays hair with my hand. It looks much better this way.

"What the hell, dude?!" He protests.

"Your hairs better when it's a mess. Trust me, the girls will love it." I wink at him.

He rolls his eyes at me, Joel and Patrick just laugh. I want Jay to move on from Erin, so if he happens to catch some girls eye while we're performing tonight, awesome. Joel looks handsome as ever, and Patrick looks hot as ever. Those two never have a problem with female attention, so I don't need to help them with their appearances.

When we arrive at the Grill, we park around back so we can haul all of our stuff in and store it backstage. There is a general use drum kit set up on stage, but Patrick always chooses to play his own drums, so he leaves them in the van, he can take everything in and assemble it before we go on.

Reggie (one of the owners) tells Jays that were going on second last. Jay informs us that this is a very good thing, it means we're highly regarded by the staff at the Grill. We have no idea who the closing set belongs to, but we all agree they must be really good.

With our stuff all safely stored back stage, we head into the body of the church. It isn't packed yet (we came pretty early) but it will be by the time the performances start. Joel and Patrick head over to the bar to get some beers for us all while Jay and I grab a table.

"So, you ready?" Jay asks me with a smile.

"You know it, dude." I beam at him. I'm not nervous, this is what we do. I don't even bother asking Jay if he's nervous, I know he isn't.

"I wonder if there'll be any scouts tonight." Jay says.

"I doubt it, not on the first Open Mic of the semester." I hope not at least, I just wanna have fun with my guys tonight.

When Patrick and Joel return with a pitcher of beer and four plastic cups (we're under strict orders from Jay - two pitchers between the four of us the entire night, no one is getting drunk before we perform!) we discuss the potential line up for the evening. We know Shaun Campbell's band are gonna be performing (and Joel suspects they'll be last, after us. Jay, Patrick and I disagree. They aren't that good... Without Shaun, they would totally suck) and we know Aubrey is gonna be performing. Some of the usual suspects in their latter years at college will probably be on. It's the First Year performances were most excited about though. The fresh meat.

I spot Aubrey, Kim and Nikki standing at the bar on the upper level and wave them over. As they walk down to join us, I notice Aubrey looks really relaxed. I'm glad, and feel good that I helped calm her nerves last night.

"Hey you guys, you all ready?" Kim asks us.

"Born ready." Patrick says, before blowing her a kiss. Kim giggles. I throw Patrick a glare.

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