Chapter 31

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The house has been cleaned, the guys have been warned not to come by under any circumstances (I told them that Noah's coming by to get started on the assignment, they don't need to know that we're actually just watching the movie tonight), the fridge has been stocked with soda and beer (just incase) and I have actually put on a little make-up and left my hair down for a change. More effort than one should put in for an innocent study date, but I don't care. He's so gorgeous, I wanna look kinda good too.

The doorbell rings, and he's only 5 minutes late. That's cool, I can handle that type of punctuality. I take a deep breath as I walk through the hall to get the door, and when I answer the door I plaster on my best friendly smile and welcome Noah into my home. For the second time...but we don't need to mention what happened the last time he was here.

"Hey, where's your dog?" He's looking around for Benji, I like that he remembered about Benji.

"He's in the other room, didn't want him jumping all over you like last time." Good job of not mentioning the fact that Noah's been here before, Jame.

"Oh, I don't mind. I like dogs." He says as he steps into my house and I close the door behind him. He likes dogs. So do I.

"You want a soda or a beer or anything?" I ask as we head towards the kitchen.

"No I'm good, maybe later. Thanks."

"Oh, okay. Well, right this way then."

I bypass the kitchen door and lead Noah through to the living room. As soon as I open the door, Benji runs straight for Noah, but he's okay with that, he likes dogs, he said so.

I already have the movie ready to go on Netflix, so I drop down onto the couch, cross my legs and reach for a blanket, making myself at home. Noah sits down next to me, a little awkwardly, and I don't miss the slight hesitation as he looks around at the other sofas. Sitting next to me makes the most sense, we're directly opposite the TV.

"Take your shoes off, relax." I encourage him with a smile. "it's movie time, just make yourself at home. You want a blanket?"

I reach for another blanket and toss it over to him before he has time to answer me. He's looking at me funny. What? Who doesn't like getting comfy for a film?

"You always need blankets and fluffy socks to watch movies?" He asks with a smirk. My feet are covered by my blanket, but he must have noticed my fluffy Hufflepuff socks already. Damn, why didn't I change them before he came over?

"Um, it's not essential." I say with a laugh. "I just like to be comfy."

"You like Harry Potter?" He smirks at me again. He recognised the pattern of my socks, fuck.

"Yeah, I'm a huge Potterhead." I admit. "I have loads of geeky Harry Potter shit, and I'm not afraid to admit it. The books are amazing."

"I wouldn't know." He says with a laugh. God, I love his laugh. "I've seen the movies though, they're not bad."

Not bad!? Why do I like this guy again?

Oh right, because he is fucking gorgeous and I can't seem to think of anything other than telling him we should fuck the movie and head up to my room and fuck each other instead. This reminds me that I still haven't hooked up with anyone, I really need to get on that. I just wanna hook up with Noah though, no one else. Ugh, but that's not gonna happen. Come on, get a grip of yourself. Stop looking at his beautiful face, and look at the TV screen.

I smile at him quickly before turning my attention to the TV. I hit play and snuggle back on the sofa, settling myself in for the movie. He's opted against using the blanket I gave him, but he has kicked his shoes off and sat back. Jesus, even the way he sits is sexy. Legs spread a little, one hand on the arm cushion and the other hand resting on his thigh, dangerously close to his crotch... Stop looking!

"I'm confused." He says quietly, not looking at me.

"What?" I don't know what he means.

"What's going on?" Hes looking at the TV intently.

"Um, nothing. That's a field, and that's a house. The movie has just started." I say, unsure if he's joking or not.

"Right." He's smiling at the TV. "Just preparing you for what's to come over the next 2 hours. You did good."

I laugh and realise that we're not just gonna sit in silence and watch this thing. He wants to talk through it. Which is totally fucking fine by me. The more we talk, the more he might realise that we'd make a good couple, and maybe his hang ups about relationships are dumb and he should take a chance on me...

And seriously, as the night goes on, I am actually a little hopeful that that is what's happening between us. We get along so well, and our conversation flows so naturally. By the time the movie is ending, I've explained most of the themes and concepts of Pride and Prejudice to him, and we've even decided on what aspect of the book we're gonna analyse for our assignment. Very good progress indeed, in more ways than one. I think.

"Well, that was two and a half hours I'm never gonna get back." He says as the credits begin to roll, and I laugh. 

"The plot makes more sense to you now, though. Which was the aim." I point out.

"True." He says, getting to his feet. He's leaving? I feel my heart sink. 

"It's still pretty early, we could watch something else if you want?" I suggest, hoping my tone comes across as casual. I'm still sitting beneath my blanket, I've made no move to show him out of my house. 

"Sure, I was gonna go get a beer though, if the offer still stands?" He asks, and I feel my heart leap. 

"Absolutely." I say, getting up to show him to the kitchen. 

Once we're settled back down with our beers, I shove on some random action movie, hoping that we're just gonna talk through it like we did with most of Pride and Prejudice, but for some reason, he's different now. He's gripping his beer and staring at the TV, barely blinking. It's like he's trying his best to focus on anything other than me. Or maybe he is just really interested in this movie. I should have put a chick flick on. 

"So, uh, has John said anything more about his impending debut at the Grill?" I ask in an attempt to keep our conversation going. 

"No, not really." He replies curtly, his eyes never leaving the TV. 

So, I fix my gaze on the TV to and try not to make my disappointment obvious. Cold, reserved Noah is back. I don't know how to bring back friendly, fun Noah. So, I'll stop trying. I really fucking hope this movie isn't too long. 

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