Chapter 64 (Noah)

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"So, Noah. What the hells going on between you and my best friend?"

Jamie leaves me alone with Erin and Sarah for 2 seconds, and already the claws are out. I really hope she's not on the phone for too long.

"We're...friends." I say. I hesitated, because I know Jamie and I aren't friends. What we are, I have no fucking idea. But it's not friends.

"Friends?" Erin looks at me like I'm speaking a different language. "Are you fucking kidding me right now?"

This girl is as fiesty as the colour of her hair, and honestly, she kinda scares me. I know how to play people like her though. Play her at her own game.

"Well, what about you and Jay?" I ask her, and instantly her facial expression softens. "I've met him, he's cool. I know there was something between you guys before you moved here, but Jamie hasn't told me much about it. Care to share?"

Sarah frowns at me and shakes her head slightly. Erin glares at me.

"No, I'm not talking about him." She says coldly.

"No? Okay, what about Walker? I know him really well too, just like you." I raise my eyebrows at her, challenging her. She glares at me, and I know she won't bring up 'me and Jamie' again. I've pissed her off, but mission accomplished.

"Okay, cool it you two. Jamie will be back any second." Sarah contributes.

"She's probably talking to him." Erin says with a sigh. I know she means Jay of course, not Walker. Clearly, this girl doesn't give a fuck about Walker, even if she is fucking him.

"He's her best friend too, Erin." Sarah says kindly.

"I know, I just wish they didn't have to be so fucking close. It makes things harder for me." Erin says.

I was gonna ask Erin and Sarah if they have any intention of visiting North Bridge some time soon, but I decide against this. There's obviously a reason Erin hasn't gone back home yet. The same reason Jamie visits New York alone, without Jay. They wanna keep their distance from each other. I don't know much about what went on between Erin and Jay, and I really don't want to. It seems far too deep.

"Hey, sorry about that. It was my dad. Just checking in." Jamie says as she rejoins us. She sits down next to Erin.

"Liar." Erin says, and Jamie grins back at her sheepishly. We all know she was talking to Jay.

After the coffee house, Sarah and I take the girls to one of our favourite pizza places. I haven't been there in months, and I'm a little worried we may bump into Walker or Adrian. But we don't, it's all fine. By the time Jamie and I leave, I'm satisfied that this day wasn't a complete disaster. Not gonna lie, I was worried about it. I almost cancelled on Jamie and Sarah like 5 times, but I decided not to. I thought, if Jamie is mature enough to offer me a ride, I'm not gonna be a baby and reject her offer. Do I feel better about things between me and Jamie now? A little, yeah. We've been getting along really well today, after over 2 weeks of zero communication. I thought she didn't wanna talk to me after Jays party, so I left the ball in her court. When she approached me at Marley's the other night, so confident in front of almost the entire Track Team, I was very impressed. So, I've just been going with it since then. There's been no more mention of her liking me, and no more intense sexual situations between us. Maybe she doesn't like me anymore. I don't know, but things are good at the moment, and for that I'm glad.

On the car ride home, I'm surprised to find myself opening up to Jamie a little. I don't exactly know why. I never said anything when we got into the city, but the route I told her to take goes right past my dad's new apartment. His new apartment he shares with his new girlfriend and her 15 year old son, Joseph. Awesome. I've only been in there once, and only because my mom practically forced me to go by before I left for college. It was a short visit.

"That's my dad's place, right there." I point out the building as we drive past.

"Oh." Jamie says, turning her head slightly to take a look. She doesn't know what else to say, understandable. I've never talked to her about my parents before.

"He moved in there at the start of the year. I've only been over once. It's nice." Why the hell am I telling her this?

"Right." She says. "So, does your mom live around here too?"

A perfectly reasonable follow up question.

"No, she lives on the other side of town. We've lived in the same apartment since I was born. It's hardly as impressive as Jay's place, but it's home."

She smiles awkwardly, her eyes never leaving the road. Way to make things weird, Noah. I feel like I need to explain myself a little, so for some reason, I do.

"My mom got pregnant with me when she was 17. I'm the result of a one night stand, she and my dad were never together. But, my grandparents weren't exactly thrilled, so they pretty much forced my parents to get married before I was born. They were divorced by the time I turned 2."

Jamie doesn't say anything, she's processing what I've just told her. I'm never this open about my personal life with girls. But I've started, so I guess I'll finish.

"I'm not looking for sympathy or anything, I'm totally fine with it. My dad's an asshole, and my mom's awesome. I can't remember them ever being happy together, so I've never known the difference. I'm cool with things the way they are." I really am.

This information seems to comfort her a little, she looks less awkward now, anyway.

"My mom and dad were super happy together." She says quietly. "I'm sorry yours weren't."

"Thanks, but that's not necessary. I've never felt sorry for myself. At least I still have both my parents, you know?" She hasn't talked to me much about her mom, but I know she died when Jamie was younger.

"Yeah." She says, before taking a deep breath. "I was 12 when my mom passed. It fucking sucked. A lot. She wasn't an asshole though, she was awesome."

I give her a small laugh, and she smiles at me before returning her attention to the road ahead.

"How did she die? If you don't mind me asking."

"Cancer." Is all she says, so I don't ask for any further details.

"Well, my dad just moved out. At least he's still alive and well, even though he's a total dick." I say.

"Great advert for marriage, huh? No one needs to die, and you can always get divorced." I laugh, because as dark as this humour is, I appreciate it. I get her, and she gets me.

We keep the conversation light the rest of the drive home. I consider asking her to play that song about Joel's parents for me, but I don't wanna bring it up, and she doesn't either. I'll listen to it when I get back to my dorm. Our chats have been deep enough already, and I have a feeling that whatever the deal is with Joel's parents, it's not good.

Jamie drops me off, I give her gas money which she tries to refuse, but I insist. We make plans to get together to finish our paper next week, and we go our separate ways. No sexual tension, no weirdness. Just a boy and a girl, getting along well.

Is this friendship? Maybe. It's not like the friendship I have with Sarah, anyway. I still don't know what Jamie is to me, but I wanna find out.

When we get together to finish our paper, that will officially be the last time we need to spend time in each others company. I need to do something. I don't know exactly what yet, but I'll figure it out. She's not my friend. She's more. And she needs to know that before she leaves my life for good.

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