Chapter 84 (Noah)

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I'm standing in the parking lot, like a fucking idiot, watching as Patrick drives off with Jamie. I don't understand. I'm completely confused. Does this have something to do with what Zach said about Kim? Something to do with Walker? But, Jamie mentioned Madison just now? She wouldn't leave before seeing Fall Out Boy unless something was seriously wrong. So, what the hell is wrong with her!?

I have no idea, and she obviously doesn't wanna talk to me. Nothings changed from yesterday then. She didn't reply to my text, and now this!? What the hell did I do wrong!? She looked like she wanted to punch somebody when I saw her out on the dancefloor just now, and the moment our eyes met, she bolted. I tried to pull myself away from Madison, and when she eventually let me go, there was no sign of Jamie. Fall Out Boy came on, the dance floor turned into a mosh pit, and I shoved my way past all the people, out into the main hall, just in time to see Jamie heading out a fire exit with Patrick.

Now here I am. I don't know what her problem is, but I need to find out. I need to find Jay or Joel.

I dart back inside, and when I enter the ballroom, I feel pissed because everyone is jumping around to Fall Out Boy now. I'm never gonna find Jay or Joel in this crowd. I haven't even seen Joel tonight. They're probably up front next to the stage, and I won't get anywhere near there now. Fuck!

I look around the back of the room desperately, and notice Walker and Adrian sitting at a table with a couple of girls. I consider confronting Walker about this, but no. I can't. Not until I find out exactly what's going on with Jamie. I continue scanning the room, and my eyes land on Jay, standing by the punch bowl talking to some guy I don't know. Right.

"Jay, do you have any idea what's wrong with Jamie!?" I totally butt into his conversation. Rude, but I don't care. This is important.

"What?" I know from his reaction that he has no idea. "What are you talking about?"

"She just left with Patrick. I don't know what's gotten into her! She took one look at me over there then ran off!"

Jay glares at me, considering what I've just said. "They left?"


Without another word, Jay rushes towards the exit. I follow him. I need to know what he's gonna do about this.

"Did she say anything to you?" Jay demands angrily as we enter the hallway.

"Yeah, she said she didn't wanna talk to me. She told me to leave her alone, but I have no fucking idea why!" I inform him. He just shakes his head and continues walking.

Once outside, Jay looks over at the empty parking spot that Patrick's car was parked in, says what the fuck? under his breath, then looks over towards the exit to the parking lot. And at the same time, we both see a couple of girls standing smoking, just down from the main steps to the building. I know one of these girls, very well indeed. She's wearing a white angel costume, and her blonde hair flows down her back in waves. She's gorgeous, and she's probably the only girl I would never ever consider sleeping with. Again. It's Sarah.

And standing next to her, is a red head wearing a ridiculously sexy devil costume, along with ridiculously high red heels. Erin.

They're talking and laughing as they smoke their cigarettes, and Jay is now motionless. He's just staring at them like he's seen a ghost. What the fuck, dude? We're kinda in the middle of something here! I don't have time for this.

"Sarah!?" I call out to her as I make my way down the steps towards the girls. They both turn to face me. Sarah smiles, Erin doesn't.

"Hey, Noah. Surprise!" Sarah says. Her smile quickly fades when she notices the expression on my face, and the boy standing just behind me who is currently on the recieving end of what I can only describe as a death stare from Erin. Right, those two have history. I knew that. Whatever, that's not important right now.

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