Chapter 34 (Noah)

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"So, now will you admit that you'd love to fuck her?"

I turn my attention away from Jamie and John on stage and glare at Will. The song has just ended and everyone in this place is going wild. That was a really good performance. But I'm not clapping my hands together and jumping around like everyone else. Will and I are standing by the island bar on the top level of the Grill. It's better back here, we're not drawing too much attention to ourselves. We don't have as good a view of the stage, but that's fine by me. I don't wanna catch Jamie's eye again, it was bad enough when The Middle were performing, and when she stormed over to talk to John during Aubrey's performance, I had a feeling she would end up on stage with him again, so I made my way back to the upper level and I found Will. I didn't need to make any more eye contact with Jamie than I already have tonight.

"Shut up, Will." I say, sipping my beer and fixing my gaze ahead at the stage again, waiting for the next act to come on.

"What? Lit Girl was awesome just now, you can't deny that." Will says with a shrug of his shoulders. "And if your brain works the same way mine does, you'll agree that there's something very alluring about watching her perform up there, yes?"

"Yes, I agree." I sigh and turn to face him again. "But just because she's hot and talented and we fooled around one time, doesn't mean I wanna fuck her." Even though I do. I know I do, Will knows I do. But I'll deny it until my balls turn blue.

"Wait, what?" Will asks, startled. "You fooled around? With Lit Girl?"

"Yes, and stop calling her Lit Girl." I say, losing my patience with this conversation. "On Freshman Friday, remember? I spent the night at her house. You gave me shit because I didn't sleep with her then."

His face is telling me that he doesn't remember this at all, either that or this is brand new information to him. What the hell? We talked about it, I told him about it, why does he looked so surprised?

"You never said it was Jamie." He says, his voice quiet.

"I didn't?" I can't really remember the conversation exactly, but I'm sure I told him I went home with her.

"No, and I didn't ask. I just thought it was some random girl." He sighs and pulls a hand through his perfectly styled hair. Why is this bothering him so much?

"Okay, so what's the big deal?" I ask him.

"No big deal, just... I didn't realise it was her." He says, coughing, and getting his tone of voice back to normal. "You spent the night at her place then, wow."

He shakes his head in disbelief and I frown.

"It doesn't mean anything, Will. Trust me. Nothing else is gonna happen with her." I insist.

"Dude, you like her." His eyes search mine. "Just admit it. It's okay, you know."

"Will, fuck off." I'm pissed. He's pushing me on this, and I don't like it. "I don't like her. I have to do an assignment with her, that's it. Now drop it."

He holds his hands up in mock surrender before turning to the bar to pick up his beer. He thinks I'm fucking in love with her or something, and I'm not okay with that. I need to prove that she doesn't mean a fucking thing to me. I need to take some other girl home tonight. It has been a while since the last girl, this is fine. And Zach's busy with Kim, he doesn't need to know. I look around the crowded room, in search of a potential female companion for the night, when my eyes spot Jamie flirting with some guy. He's tall, like me. Lean, but muscular, like me. Black hair, like me. Arms covered in tattoos, unlike me, but I can see the appeal from Jamie's perspective. She's on the prowl. I feel my cock twitch, which pisses me off even more. I know she's not above meaningless one night stands, because she told me so. And the thought of her going home with this guy annoys me. If she should be fucking anyone tonight, it should be me.

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