Chapter 24

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The following week at college, and I have fully decided that I need to distance myself from Noah. That, and I really do need to sleep with someone. But, who?

On Monday morning, I arrived at English Lit class before Noah. I sat near the back of the lecture hall, and when Noah got in, he sat next to me. He was so different. He said hello to me. He asked me how my Sunday was. He told me he went for a run and hung out with his roommate most of the day. He told me he tried to read some more of the book, but gave up pretty quick. He said he's planning on watching the movie soon. He did most of the talking, and he smiled and laughed like a normal human boy. It was, different. I liked it. He's so much more comfortable with me now, which is strange. It's like fooling around with me then telling me about how he used to fool around with girls on a regular basis was what he needed to get to a place where he can actually be my friend. It just sucks, because I can't help the nagging voice in the back of my mind that keeps reminding me that I don't really want him to see me as a friend. I want him to push me down onto my guest bed and kiss me and take my clothes off and... well, you know. But, I don't just want that. I want more. I wanna talk to him, and laugh with him, and hang out with him. The only reasonable conclusion I can come up with: I fucking like him. 

There, I've admitted it to myself. But, I know I can fix this. I don't wanna like a boy who has no interest in dating or girlfriends. What a fucking waste of time that would be. I need to get over him. And I don't know how to do that, but I'm confident that I can. It's still early days, I still don't know him that well. I can do this, I can. 

The only problem I'm having: the more I talk to him and spend time with him, the more I like him. I keep hoping that he'll say or do something that will put me off of him. But so far, he hasn't. And unfortunately for me, I have seen a lot of him this week. And next week's gonna be the same, because I've started dedicating the majority of my free time to teaching John how to play I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing by Aerosmith on guitar. 

I went over to John's dorm on Monday night, and we got started with our guitar lessons. After about a half hour, Zach showed up, but he wasn't alone. Noah was with him. Same thing happened on Tuesday night, so on Wednesday, I invited John over to my house after classes. That was much better, because the guys came over too, so Jay and Joel helped me teach John a little too. Patrick just sat around tapping his drums, making a lot of noise and disrupting the lesson. But, it was good. 

Thursday night was Open Mic night at the Grill, so we performed again (we were second last on the lineup again, maybe that will become our regular spot?) and so did Aubrey. It was a good night, but guess who was there? Fucking Noah. I have literally seen him more than I've seen Benji so far this week. Okay, no, that's a complete over-exaggeration, but I've seen him more than I would care to. Especially considering the annoying butterflies I seem to get every time I look at him (which are getting worse and worse by the way.) So yeah, I have an issue. 

And now its Friday, and I'm sitting in my stupid ass Social Studies class, eagerly awaiting the arrival of Will. I actually want him to sit next to me. He'll be a good distraction from my constant thoughts about Noah. Come on, Will. Give me a reason to shout at someone. Fuel my anger. Just distract me. 

But, Will doesn't show. Professor Orb (who made a point of actually coming along to take attendance this week, just to see who came and who didn't when we thought she wouldn't be there) makes a point of asking me how my talk with Will went last week, and I tell her it went fine. She asks if I have any idea where he is, and I say I don't. I wonder where he is, and why he's ditching. For about a minute, before my mind wonders off to imagines of Noah running his hands through his hair. Sigh. I might wonder out to the running track after this class, maybe Noah will be there practising with the Track team. That would be a nice sight...

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