Chapter 93 (Noah)

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I'm walking back to the dorms with Aubrey and Kim, as much as I tried to convince them to stay at the dance and enjoy Fall Out Boy. They wouldn't hear it. Kim heard me out though, I told her exactly what went down with Zach, Adrian and Walker. And honestly? I don't know if it was the right thing to do or not. She got pissed. Then she got mad. Then, when I started telling her about the sharing game, she got full on furious. Aubrey wasn't exactly happy about it either. 

And now, here I am, dragging my feet behind them as they practically march back to the dorms, because they wanna confront Zach about it. I got enough shit from them already, and Aubrey informed me that she plans on telling Jamie everything. Jamie already knows, so whatever. I tried to tell them that Zach is in no fit state for this, but they didn't care. They're determined, and I've given up trying to talk them out of this. I just keep checking my phone, hoping that Jamie will text me. I know she won't, but I still haven't heard from anyone so I have no idea what's going on with Erin, Jay, Sarah and Joel. This fucking sucks. 

John buzzes us into the building, and the second we step inside their suite, it's clear that Zach's in bed, dead to the world. 

"Will and I put him straight to bed, he'd pretty much passed out as soon as we got him up here." John tells us. "Is everything okay? Have you guys heard from Jamie?"

"No, no one has." Aubrey informs him, while Kim sighs heavily and rubs her forehead. 

"What about Jay and the others?" John asks, as Kim storms towards him, startling him. 

"Never mind that." Kim says, residual anger still clear in her tone. "Have Noah or Zach ever told you and Will about the sharing game?"

Here we go. I run a hand through my hair as all eyes turn to me. 

"No, I don't think so." John says, eyeing me curiously. 

"Yeah, well it looks like you don't know your roommate as well as you think you do." Kim says, glaring over at me. For god sake. 

"Kim, it's in the past. Zach and I agreed we wouldn't do shit like that here." I remind her. I've already been over all of this with her. 

"Right, but it speaks volumes to your character." Kim says loathsomely. "And Zach's."

She glares over at the hallway, towards Zach and John's bedroom doors. I'm not sure Kim's ever been in here, so I doubt she knows which room is Zach's. I look over and notice that his bedroom door is ajar. I guess John wanted to keep it open so he could check on him. 

"I'll leave you to explain the sharing game to John." Kim says to me, before addressing John again. "I only came over here to tell Zach once and for all that I think he's a piece of shit, and I never wanna lay eyes on him again. Please tell him not to bother texting me or calling me, if he was even gonna bother trying to apologise for what happened earlier tonight." 

She stomps over to the front door. "My guess is he probably wasn't."

And with that she storms out. Aubrey quickly turns to John and kisses him on the cheek. 

"I need to go with her, I'll come by tomorrow?" 

John gives Aubrey a small smile. "Absolutely, good night."

Aubrey rushes out after Kim, ignoring me, and closing the door behind her. And suddenly, things between me and John feel slightly awkward. I have some explaining to do. 

"So." John says, folding his arms and frowning at me. "Are you gonna tell me about this sharing game thing?"

"No, I will." 

John and I look over towards the hallway, and see Zach emerging from his room. He's still wearing his tux, and his hair is a mess. He's groggy, and he looks like utter shit. An accurate representation of how he must be feeling right about now. 

Zach walks past us, dragging both of his hands over his face, before sitting down on one of the couches in the sitting area. 

"You heard all of that? Everything Kim just said?" John asks him. He nods his head.

"I still don't exactly feel sober," Zach informs us, "but, I'm sober enough for this."

He looks up, and his eyes are blood shot. John and I exchange an unsure look, before walking over to the sitting area to join Zach. 

"John, this is fucked up. You're not gonna like it. But, like Noah said, it's in the past."

Here we go again. John looks between the two of us, and I feel like shit for about the fiftieth time tonight. Here we go, I guess. Time to tell John the truth about the fucking sharing game. 

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