Chapter 82 (Noah)

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Zach, Adrian and I are standing watching Walker clearly trying his hand with Jamie from across the ballroom. And she is clearly giving him absolutely zero indication that she'd ever be interested in him. I can't really make out exactly what's going on from all the way over here, and people keep dancing in front of the table they're standing at, blocking them from view. But, I know Jamie is giving Walker a dressing down. Good. God knows he deserves it. 

"You guys know that chick?" Adrian asks. I ignore him, and so does Zach. Zach's too busy pounding another cup of punch. 

"Dude, slow down." I tell him. "That's not gonna help." 

"It is helping, trust me." Zach says. He sounds miserable, but this is his own fault. He knows that. Which is exactly why he's drowning his sorrows instead of trying to talk to Kim and make amends with her right now. "Should we go over there?" 

"I don't know." I say, watching as Jamie laughs at something Walker just said. It's not a real laugh though, I think she's mocking him. Good. "I think she can handle him." 

"You guys know it's a waste of time trying to interrupt Walker when he's working a girl anyway." Adrian chimes in. 

I watch as Jamie shakes her head and raises her eyebrows at whatever Walker's saying to her now. Why isn't she just walking away from him? And why is he trying so hard with her? I really wanna punch that guy. Just then, Madison and Will approach us. 

"What's going on over here?" Maddie asks, frowning at us. "Why does everyone look so happy? This is a party, cheer up guys." 

"I need to go talk to Kim." Zach says, sounding totally distressed again. He knocks back the rest of his drink before slamming the cup down onto a nearby table. He looks determined, but I can't let him do this. 

"Dude, just give her some time." I hold my arm out in front of his chest, stopping him. "Anything you say to her right now won't make the situation any better." 

"What's going on?" Will asks. 

"I don't wanna talk about it." Zach snaps back at Will. "I just wanna get another drink." 

Zach shoves my arm out of his way and heads towards the punch bowl. He shouldn't be drinking so much so quickly, but I can't tell him what to do. He's old enough to make his own choices. I shake my head as he storms off to get himself some more spiked punch. 

"I'm gonna go with him." Adrian says, sounding totally bored, before stalking off too. 

"What's going on?" Will asks me, concerned. 

"He said some stuff. Bad stuff. Kim overheard." I explain. I don't go into details. 

"I'm gonna go check on him." Will mutters, before walking off after Zach. I'm aware that I should probably go check on him too, he's my best friend, but I need to stay here and monitor this situation with Jamie and Walker. Jay and Patrick have gotten involved now, though. I know Jamie will be fine.

"Okay, everyone is being so boring and serious tonight!" Madison exclaims. I forgot she was standing there. I take my eyes off of Jamie and look over at Maddie. "Come on, Adams. Let's dance!" 

She grabs both my hands quickly, and I pull back. I'm no dancer, and I'm not in the mood anyway. "Madison, no. Just wait for Will, he'll be back any second." 

"Nope. Not taking no for an answer!" She pulls me by the arms towards the dancefloor, and Christ this girl is strong. I roll my eyes and reluctantly allow her to lead me into the middle of the dance floor. Fall Out Boy still aren't on. I have no idea who this band is, but they're playing a cover of Erasure – A Little Respect. I like this song. Okay, this could be worse. I'll dance with Madison for a bit. Will's with Zach, so I know he's cool. Jamie's boys just came to her rescue. This is fine. 

"Noah, could you at least try to smile every once in a while?!" Madison says, laughing at me as we dance to the upbeat song. 

"Fuck off." I reply, then I smile at her. "Smiling would ruin my image." 

She throws her head back and laughs, and I twirl her around as the song ends. That was actually pretty fun. Madison's smiling at me, I'm smiling back at her. And now a slow song is playing. Nope, that's my cue to leave. I move to leave the dance floor, but Madison grabs my arm again and raises her eyebrows at me. 

"Not so fast." She holds both of her hands out, silently asking me to slow dance with her. Jesus Christ.

"Maddie, no." I say firmly, but she just laughs and grabs my hands anyway. 

"You really need to lighten up, Noah." She says, while placing both of my hands onto her waist. "Like, do you ever let yourself have fun?" 

She raises her arms and wraps them around my neck, before slowly swaying back and forth in time to the music. I follow her lead. There are loads of other couples slow dancing around us too, this is fine. I feel a little awkward and I don't know how happy Will's gonna be about me dancing with his girlfriend this way. It's totally innocent though. Maddie knows that as well as I do. And I'm sure Will would be glad to see Maddie and me getting along.

"So, are you gonna tell me what's really going on between you and Jamie?" Madison asks me, with a wry smile. 

"No." I reply briskly, smiling back down at her. She exhales sharply in annoyance, causing me to laugh. 

"You're so annoying!" Madison exclaims, "I know you like her, so why won't you just admit it already!?" 

"I'm not talking to you about this, Maddie." I say, still smiling at her. I'm amused at how much my silence seems to be bugging her. Whatever's going on between me and Jamie is just that, though. Between me and Jamie. 

"Whatever." Madison mumbles.

We continue slow dancing, and just as I turn I notice Patrick standing not too far from me, looking back at something curiously. I follow his line of vision, and immediately my eyes meet Jamie's.

She's standing in the middle of the dancefloor, totally frozen to the spot, staring at me like she's about to throw up. Wait, what? What the hell is wrong with her? I need to find out, I need to get to the bottom of this. She's been weird since we slept together a couple nights ago, and now she's standing glaring at me.

"Maddie.." I start, preparing to break away from Will's girlfriend.

But before I get the chance, Jamie spins around on her heel and runs off of the dancefloor. Wait, what?

"Jame!" I hear Patrick call out to her, so I snap my eyes over to him. He's staring after Jamie, and he looks totally confused. He looks around at me and immediately frowns when his eyes meet mine. What the fuck? I haven't done anything!

Patrick starts towards me, considers it, and changes his mind. Instead of approaching me, he turns and runs after Jamie.

What the hell just happened!?

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