Chapter 49

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I run down the stairs towards the main entrance to the building, and I see Sarah speed walking out the front door while sparking up a cigarette. I catch the door just before it closes, and she turns to face me. She's not even surprised that I followed her. She knows I figured it out.

"You know him?" I ask, the panic evident in my voice.

"Was I that transparent?" She says, exhaling smoke and not meeting my eye.

I close the door behind me and step outside. "Well, yeah. Why didn't you say anything? I showed you his picture?"

She sighs as she smokes, and rubs her temple with her free hand. "I'm sorry, I was going to tell you, I just really wanted to hear what you had to say about him, you know? The honest version. I thought you might have played it down a little once you found out that I know Noah."

She doesn't know me at all, I don't play anything down. But, she's probably right. I already feel like I need to watch whatever else I say to her about him.

"Noah and I go way back." She admits, flicking ash off of her cigarette casually. "We've known each other since we were little kids. He's a friend. I'm probably the only real female friend he has, to be honest."

"So, have you talked to him since he moved to North Bridge?" My curiosity is getting the better of me. Has he said anything about me?

"A little, not much." She shakes her head. "He hasn't said anything about you. But, his friend Zach told me about you."

Of course, she knows Zach too. This just gets better.

"He didn't give me your name, I only realised you were Noah's North Bridge girl tonight. I swear." She assures me. "But Zach shares my suspicions. Noah likes you, Jamie. From what Zach has told me, and everything you've told me tonight. He definitely likes you. He just doesn't know what to do with it, that's all."

I can't believe this. I am actually stunned. "So, all that stuff you just said? About his parents?"

She nods her head as she smokes. "All true. He's the result of a teenage one night stand. His parents got married while his mom was pregnant, it didn't work out. Their divorce was finalized before he was 2 years old."

I blink, unsure how to respond to this information. I shouldn't know this about him, he's never been that personal with me. He's never talked about his family at all, come to think of it. He's a private guy, and I need to respect that.

"I think that's why he doesn't wanna date. He has a point, we are pretty young. But not everything needs to end in divorce, you know? He just can't see that. And he's never had those types of feelings for a girl. Not until now, I guess."

I blush and look away from her. This is so not what I came here for. And it's not how I expected this night to go at all. I should be formulating a big plan about all the things I can do to get over my feelings for him. I shouldn't be feeling like maybe I do actually have a chance with him. Maybe he does actually like me too... God.

"Let's head back, and talk things over." Sarah says, stubbing her cigarettes out into the ashtray mounted on the wall.

"Okay. I don't really know what to say now, though." I admit. This revelation really has put me off saying anything else about Noah.

"Don't worry about me, Jamie. I won't say anything to him, I swear. Like I said, he hasn't even mentioned you to me himself. I only know what Zach has told me."

I'm curious about what Zach may have told her, but again, I don't wanna ask. Whatever Zach knows, he knows from Noah. It's not my business to pry about that.

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