Chapter 33

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I walk off stage to the thunderous applause and whistling coming from the crowd, which I am starting to get used to. I still love it, and it does still feel a little surreal, but this seems to happen every time we perform now, so yeah, I am starting to get used to it. A little.

I look over at Jay and Joel as they haul their guitars off of their shoulders. They're smiling and talking happily, no doubt because they're on the high we always feel after a performance at the Grill. I'm on that high too, it's just a little clouded over by the other thing that's preoccupying my thoughts right now. 

He wants me. I know he does. It isn't one-sided, not at all. But on his part, I guess it's purely sexual, and he really is just trying to do the right thing by distancing himself from me. On my part? I like him, sure, I can't help that. But after that stunt he pulled in my living room the other night, I'm not so sure. I feel like I hate him, but deep down, I know I don't. Not by a long shot. It would be easier if I did hate him though, that way, I could just fuck him and move on. 

I sigh, just as Patrick joins us at the side of stage, beaming at us. My boys are all really happy right now, so I smile too, because I haven't told them about what happened with Noah the other night. I told them he came over, we studied (yeah, studied. Watched a movie, but they don't need to know that) then he went home. I don't know why I don't wanna tell them all the ins and outs of this thing between Noah and me. It's my own secret for now, and I'm keeping it that way. 

"That was awesome, as always." Patrick beams. "But what did you do to piss Noah off, Jame? He was glaring daggers at you through the entire song." 

For god sake, Patrick. I'm trying to keep this thing to myself, and I am well aware that Noah was glaring at me through our performance just now. I'm trying to ignore that, though...

"Nothing, that's just his face." I reply to Patrick flippantly with a shrug. "Come on, lets go sit down before John's performance."

I got Jay to ask Reggie if we could perform early this week (he wanted to put us on second to last again) because I really just wanted to get our own 5 minutes of fame out of the way so that I could focus on John's performance. He came by the house last night when I was rehearsing with the guys, and he gave us his full performance of I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing. It was good, really good, and I'm confident he's gonna kick ass. Aubrey is certainly gonna see him in a new light, anyway. 

We pass Aubrey on the stage steps, as she's on now. I wish her luck and she gives me a quick hug (christ) before me and the guys resume our seats at our usual table with Kim and Nikki. We all clap politely (or in my case, enthusiastically) as Aubrey takes the stage, but as the music starts playing over the stereo, my heart sinks and I feel my breath catch in my throat. Fuck. No. 

"Jame..." Jay is looking at me with concern, as he realises which song Aubrey is about to sing. Patrick and Joel clock on after a few more beats of the intro too, and as soon as Aubrey begins singing, I'm on my feet and heading back towards the upper level, because I need to find John.

"I could stay awake, just to hear you breathin."

Shit! He's gonna be having a panic attack right now. Because he is directly after Aubrey on the line-up, and he can't go out there and sing the exact same song as her. That's lame, for starters, and he is no where near as good a singer as Aubrey. He'll make a total fool of himself, he can't do this. 

"Jamie!" I hear his voice and see his panicked expression and I know he's on the same wavelength as me. 

I make my way through the crowds of people towards him, ignoring the usual compliments about The Middle (rude, I know, but John needs me right now) until I reach him where he's standing by the bar with Zach and Noah. I don't even acknowledge the boys, even though I can feel Noah's intense gaze burning into me. I have more important matters than that asshole. 

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