Chapter 5

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I arrive at English Literature class ten minutes early. I don't want another embarrassing episode with Professor Griffin, so I take a seat towards the back of the lecture hall. I don't bother looking around to see if Noah is here yet, we don't need to sit together. Professor Griffin made it clear that the Pride and Prejudice assignment was an independent thing to be done in our own time, so really there's no need for Noah and I to talk shop during office hours.

And right enough, when he enters the class he walks down the steps, right past me, and takes a seat in the middle of the rows. I watch as he takes his laptop out of his bag, along with a copy of Pride and Prejudice. Well, he has the book now, so that's a good start at least. I just need to wait for him to notify me that he has read it, and then we can actually get to work. I can hardly wait...

He's leaning back in his chair and running his hands through his hair and over his face. Looks like he didn't get much sleep last night. I would assume he hooked up with someone last night, but if that were the case, wouldn't he look a little happier? He still seems so moody. Maybe his roommate he went looking for brought a girl home and kept him up last night. Ha! I hope this is the case. That asshole would deserve it. That Hot Asshole.

I get through Literature class without having to talk to Noah at all (he never turned around, and I ran out of the class as quickly as I could when it ended. I don't even think he saw me) and I'm done for the day. My classes were uneventful, and I'm eager to get home and start rehearsing. The first Open Mic Night of the semester is tomorrow night, and I wanna be fully ready.

I check my phone as I walk across the parking lot, and there's a few new messages in my group chat with Jay, Patrick and Joel (our group chat is called The Middle, very original, I know).

13:42 - Jay @ The Middle: My place or Jamie's after classes?

13:51 - Joel @ The Middle: I don't mind, I'm done at 3.

14:27 - Patrick @ The Middle: I'm at Jamie's right now. Tossing a ball for Benji. Do you ever walk this dog, Jame?

14:45 - Jay @ The Middle: On my way.

15:02 - Joel @ The Middle: Me too.

15:05 - Me @ The Middle: Patrick, you're an ass. I'm on my way.

I have a new message from Aubrey too.

14:12 - Aubrey: Hey girl, last night was fun! Hope your head doesn't hurt as bad as mine does today, I am never drinking beer again. Cocktails always. Anyway, you wanna hang out tonight? I'm a little nervous about the Grill tomorrow night! Would love to pick your brain about it some more. Let me know xox

I get into my car, and make a mental note to reply to Aubrey as soon as I get home. If I don't reply before we start rehearsing, I know I'll forget. I plan to invite her over to my place, maybe seeing me and the guys play will put her nerves at ease a little. Or maybe it will make them worse. We really are very good at what we do...

I walk into my garage and find the guys setting up their instruments. I dump my bag down on the couch and pull my phone out.

"You guys mind if I invite Aubrey over here? She's a little nervous about the Open Mic tomorrow."

"Not at all, tell her to bring her friends too." Patrick says as he casually taps his symbols with his drumsticks.

"Yeah, about that." I say absentmindedly as I type out my reply to Aubrey. "I know you were just being flirty with the girls last night to get a rise out of me, but please don't. In case you guys didn't notice, Aubrey is totally crushing on that guy John."

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