Chapter 55

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Thursday night, and I’m sitting in my garage wearing my pyjamas with my hair in a messed up bun, glasses on, zero make-up, fluffy socks. I’m in my comfort zone, and I’m surrounded by my three best friends and my dog. Couldn’t be happier.

Well, that’s not entirely true, I’d probably be happier if I wasn’t so torn up about my feelings for Noah, and the fact that I haven’t heard from him since I told him I like him. It sucks, but I need this. I need distance from him, so that I can get the fuck over him.

We’re in the middle of playing one our songs Mediocre Fuck, one of my favourites (I wrote it about Will) when there’s a loud rapping on the garage door. We all stop playing, besides Patrick, he can’t hear it over his drums. Jay motions for Patrick to stop, as I get up and approach the garage door. Someone is really pounding on my door right now, I’m kinda freaked out.

“Okay, I’m coming, stop!” I call out as I reach for the door handle and pull it open. Standing in front of me, is Will.

“Will, what the hell are you doing here?” I ask him sharply. My heart was in my throat just now, because my first thought was Noah. Of course it’s Will. How disappointing.

“Jamie, I need to talk to you. And this time, I’m not leaving until you totally hear me out, and hopefully decide that you can forgive me.” He speaks quickly, and he sounds determined, so for once, I decide to hear him out.

I gesture for him to enter my garage, and he walks in quickly. Jay, Joel and Patrick haven’t moved from where they were sitting (Patrick behind his drums, Jay and Joel on either sofa) but they are staring daggers at Will as he walks past them, completely ignoring them, and heads up the stairs to the kitchen.

I blink a few times before shrugging my shoulders at the guys and following Will upstairs. I close the door behind me. I know the guys won't follow me. I can handle Will Archibald.

"Jamie, I know you hate me. And I don't blame you, I was a complete dick to you, and I don't deserve your forgiveness. But I need it. I really fucking need it." His eyes are wild as they bore into mine. I have no idea what's brought this on, but I know he won't stop until he says what he came here to say. Not this time. So I let him go on.

"I knew about the bet. Yes. And I told the football team after we had sex, yes. I completely cut you off, yes. That wasn't planned, and I have no defence for my actions. But I was so conflicted about Harvard, and my future, I didn't know what to do for the best. But I knew that we didn't have a future." He gestures at the space between us. "I should have talked to you and ended things properly, but I was a coward. I was an idiot. I still am an idiot."

He's not sighing, he doesn't look cut up about this. He's being straightforward and direct. And honestly, I appreciate that. He's not acting like this is any harder for him than it is. For once in his life, he seems to be being real with me. So I don't interrupt, and he continues.

"I made out with Madison Hudson three times when you and I were seeing each other. I know she told you, but I never did. So there it is. Another shitty thing I did go you. And finally, Noah."

He pauses and looks at me meaningfully. I swallow, but I remain silent.

"The second I realised he knew you, I should have told him about my history with you. But I didn't. And I'm sorry about how that played out, and I'm sorry I kept it to myself for so long, and I'm sorry for springing it on you out of no where at the beach party last weekend. But the one thing I can't apologise for, is my reasoning behind all of that."

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