Chapter 63

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The following afternoon, and I'm pulling up in the parking lot outside Noah's dorm building to pick him up for our ride to New York. The guys know I'm going to New York to see Erin today, I even tried to convince Joel to come meet us since he's half way there in Philly anyway, but he declined. The guys don't know that I'm taxiing Noah today. I left that part out. I'll tell them about it later, assuming all goes well today.

Some punky looking girl with green hair lets me into Noah's building, and I make my way up to the third floor. I knock on the door to his suite, and I'm stupidly surprised to see Will when he answers the door. Right. He's Noah's roommate. Totally slipped my mind. Shows how much I really cared about that, huh?

"Hey Jamie. Noah told me you were picking him up soon. He was out for a run, he's just gotten out of the shower. Come in." Will addresses me like we're old friends, so I keep up my end of the bargain and give him a small smile before stepping into his dorm.

"So, how's it going?" I ask Will a little awkwardly, as he smiles at me expectantly. He thinks our relationship is back to normal now. It isn't. But I can't be bothered acting like a bitch towards him. Honestly, I am good with him now. But I still think he needs to work a little harder if he wants to call himself my friend.

"Things are good. How about you?" He replies neutrally, and I shrug my shoulders.

"Can't complain."

"Cool. I'm glad to see the two of you getting along again." He raises his eyebrows and grins at me suggestively, cocking his head towards Noah's bedroom. Um, no. I frown at him.

"Not suggesting anything, of course." Will backtracks quickly, sensing my annoyance at his comment. "But, it's good that you guys are friendly enough to sit in a car with each other for like 3 hours."

I nod my head and look around the kitchen, letting Will know that I have nothing to say to him on this subject. He tries a different tact.

"So, uh, anyway." Will says, clutching at straws for smalltalk. "I've been seeing someone."

Okay, what? He has my attention.

"Pretty casually. It's nothing too serious. Well, not so far at least. I want it to be though. Serious, I mean. I like her. A lot. And I mean it, I really do like her. I wanna ask her to be my girlfriend, actually, and we haven't even slept together yet. We've kissed and stuff, and it's been good, not like when you and I kissed, you know? It's different. She's right for me. I know she is. And I'm gonna tell her that. Soon." He stops and blinks at me a couple of times. "I'm rambling, sorry."

"Yeah, you kinda are." I smile at him. "So who is the lucky girl?"

"Uh huh!" Will exclaims, with his famous, dazzling white smile. "I'm keeping that under my hat for now. I wanna tell her how I feel about her before I go telling anyone else. You'll know soon enough, I promise."

He smiles at me, and I smile back at him. Because as surprised as I am to learn that he's met the love of his life, I think he is being genuine about this. And if that's the case, I'm happy for him.

"Don't fuck her around, Will. That's my only piece of advice."

"I won't! I've learned from my mistakes, believe me."

I smile at him again, and he looks majorly relieved. I feel like he thought telling me about this was important or something. Whatever helps him sleep at night.

Noah's bedroom door opens and he comes rushing through. His hairs still damp. So cute.

"Sorry I'm running late! I went for a run, and Stefan was late. Blame him."

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