Chapter 7 (Noah)

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This is a problem. I am far too attracted to this girl, and I can't ignore it and pretend it's not a thing. She's wearing a skirt. She's playing a guitar. She's singing. I think she's put on lipstick and maybe done something different with her hair, I don't know. But, fuck. I've never wanted to pick someone up and kiss them more.

But obviously I'm not gonna do that. I mean, she's busy for starters. And I wouldn't do that anyway. But I can't help thinking about how it's gonna be, working on this English assignment together. Spending time alone together, probably at nights. Yeah, this is definitely a problem.

"Noah?" I snap out of my thoughts and see John smiling at me.


"I said these guys are awesome, right? Jamie and her friends?"

"Oh, yeah, they're real good." I say, trying too hard to sound casual about it.

"Where the hell is Will?" Zach asks, looking around the Grill. "I haven't seen him since we got here."

I look around too, but the place is packed now. It's hard to make out anyone. And so many people are crowded around the stage jumping along to this song too. I have no idea what song this is, come to think of it. I like it, though.

"You guys know this song?" I ask John and Zach, just as Will appears from no where.

"It's an original, I think." Will says, casually sipping his drink and watching Jamie and her band on stage.

"Where have you been?" Zach asks.

"Oh, you know, talking to people. Socializing." Will beams at him. "You should try it!"

"You know what? I think I will." Zach says with a grin, "you coming, John?" He calls over his shoulder as he heads off down the stairs towards the lower level. Towards that girl Kim, who's currently dancing around with her friends beside the stage. John spots Aubrey dancing with Kim and quickly follows Zach down the stairs, you know, because he's pretty much obsessed with her. I know Zach is interested in trying to hook up with this girl Kim, and if she wants to fuck him, she will I guess. So I'll leave him to it. 

"So, this is loud, huh?" Will says with a smile, watching Jamie's band.

"Yeah, they're really good though." I say. It's true. Just because they're good doesn't mean I have any interest in Jamie.

"The girl is my partner for that English Literature assignment I told you about." Why did I say that?

He raises his eyebrows in interest, "That's Hot Lit Girl?"

"Yeah," I say quickly. "she seems okay. We haven't talked that much. Yet."

I said that too fast. Shit. He's looking at me with new eyes now, and the corners of his mouth are threatening a smile. Damn. I need to fix this.

"I don't like her!" I say far too quickly, making this far worse than it was 5 seconds ago. Christ.

"Oh, sure you don't." He says with a knowing smile, looking back towards the stage. "She sure can play anyway, huh?"

"Yeah, they're awesome." I say quietly, grateful that Will isn't pushing this. I know he thinks I like her though.

"Well, I'm gonna get back to socializing now." Will says, setting his empty beer bottle down at the bar. "Later."

"Will, wait!" I call after him, but he's already wound his way into the sea of people around us. Great, now I'm alone.

"Hey, are you a Freshman? I haven't seen you around before." A girl with purple hair and a nose ring is talking to me. She's pretty. Not my type, but pretty. Since when do I even have a type? What's the harm right?

"Yeah, I'm a Freshman, just started this week." I reply.

"You're from New York?" She asks, flashing me a smile and revealing a tongue piercing too.

We're just talking. Not everything has to lead to sex. And besides, this will be a good distraction from Jamie Hawkins...

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